If you take this course, you can earn more than doctors. Learn the details

Modified On Jul 10, 2024 11:08 AM by Mahaveer, Views: 11

To build a career, it's not just hard work that's essential; choosing the right course matters too. There was a time when parents pushed children to become doctors, engineers, or teachers because these were considered the best options. However, today's era offers many more course options beyond just doctors and engineers. Today, let's discuss one such course where you can earn more than doctors after completion: Pharmacy.


To become a pharmacist, the minimum educational qualification required is passing the 12th grade. In 12th grade, you should have studied Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/Mathematics. After this, you need to obtain a Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) degree, which is a four-year course.

Subsequently, you can pursue higher education in this field by doing a Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm), which, like other master's degrees, typically lasts for two years. Some people also pursue a Ph.D. to build a career in research.

Pharmacy is a field where you can explore various career options after receiving good education, including drug development, manufacturing, testing, marketing, and other related areas.

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