With a huge number of government schools & colleges there is always a requirement of teachers at primary education, secondary education and at college level. Governments (both state and center governments) recruit teachers through various teachers entrance tests in India. Some of these exams are conducted as teachers entrance exams, some are conducted as trained graduate teachers(TGTs exams), & then there are post graduate teachers(PGTs exams). At primary education the teachers have common subjects and no specialization is required. At secondary and senior secondary education level the teachers are recruited based on the expertise in their elected subject paper in the exams. Teachers entrance tests are announced on the basis of posts vacant in schools or colleges & are filled in modes like direct appointment after exam or appointment after exam and interview. Education being the core of our society and the kind of population India has, every year there are lots of vacancies in teaching professions at school, college or university level. If you are preparing to become a teacher or lecturer or professor, please keep a track of upcoming teaching exams on this page. We have listed here 366 exams in teaching and teaching entrance. The list below is updated as of today 10/02/2025: