WB SET Physical Science (Paper 2) 2022 Application Form exam can be filled till 15th September 2022. Apply Online for This Exam and the Admit Card is Released soon. Eligibility Criteria for this exam is that the candidate must be a citizen of India. The candidate's age should be at least 18 years and maximum 38 years and above. Government Jobs Seekers, who Looking for Govt Jobs 2022 in India to get Latest Government Jobs Recruitment / Vacancies completely published in this portal.
Events | Dates |
Starting Date of Aplication Form | 16th August 2022 |
Last Date of Application Form | 15th September 2022 |
Admit Card Date | Notified soon |
Exam Date | 08th January 2023 |
Official website | www.wbcsconline.in |
Subjects | Details |
Basic Mathematical Methods | Calculus : Vector algebra and vector calculus, Linear algebra, matrices, Linear differential equations, Fourier-series, Elementary complex analysis. |
Classical Dynamics | Basic principles of classical dynamics, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, Symmetries and conservation laws, Motion in the central field of force, Collisions and scattering, Mechanics of a system of particles, Small oscillations and normal modes, Wave motion-wave equation, phase velocity, group velocity, dispersion. Special theory of relativity-Lorentz tranformations, addition of velocities, mass-energy equivalance. |
Electromagnatics | Electrostatics-Laplace and Poisson equations, boundary value problems, Magnetostatics-Ampere’s theorem, Blot-Sayart law, electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations in free space and in linear isotropic media. Boundary conditions on the fields at interfaces, Scaler and vector potentials, Gauge invarience, Electromagnetic waves-reflection and refraction, dispersion, interferance, coherence, diffraction, polarization, Electrodynamics of a charged particle in electric and magnetic fields. Radiation from moving charges, radiation from a dipole, Retarded potential. |
Quantum Physics and Applications | Wave-particle duality, Heisenberg’s uncertainity Principle. The Schrodinger equation particle in a box., Harmonic Oscillator, Tunnelling through a barrier, motion in a central potential,Orbital angular momentum. Angular momentum algebra, spin. Addition of angular momenta. Time independent perturbation theory. Ferml’s Golden Rule. Elementary theory of scattering in a central potential, Phase shifts, partial wave analysis, Borm approximation, identical particles, spin-statistics connection. |
Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics | Laws of thermodynamics and their consequences. Thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell’s relations. Chemical potential, phase equilibria. Phase space, microstates and microststes. Partition function, Free Energy and connection with thermodynamic quantities. Classical and quantum statistics, Degenerate electron gas. Blackbody radiation and Planck’s distribution law, Boss-Einstein condensation. Einstein and Debye models for latticce specific heat. |
Experimental Design | Measurement of fundamental constants; e.h.c. Measurement of High & Low Resistences, L and C. Detection of X-rays, Gamma rays, charged particles, neutrons etc. Ionization chamber, proportional counter, GM counter, Scintillation detectors, Solid State detectors, Emission and Absorption Spectroscopy, Measurement of Magnetic field, Hall effect, magnetoresistance. X-ray and neutron Diffrection, Vacuum Techniques; basic idea of conductance, pumping speed etc. Pumps; Mechanical Pump, Diffusion pump; Gauges; Thermocouple, Penning, Pirani, Hot Cathode. Low Temperature; Cooling a sample over a range upto 4K and measurement of temperature. Measurement of Energy and Time using electronic signals from the detectors and associated instrumentation; Signal processing, A/D conversion & multichannel analyzers, Time-of-flight technique; Coincidence measurements; true to chance ratio, correlation studies. Error Analysis and Hypothesis testing Propagation of errors, Plotting of Graph, Distributions, Least aquares fitting, criteria for goodness of fite-chi square test. |
Candidates can refer to the WB SET Exam Pattern as below -
Session |
Paper |
Marks |
Number of Question |
Duration |
First |
I |
100 |
50 questions |
1 Hour |
Second |
II |
200 |
100 questions |
2 Hours |
Note :-
???? best of luck...
English explanation is good but expecting more
Nice content
This is very helpful and good
It's amazing experience to me after solving this set.Thanks a lot to Studyclap team and management.??????????????
Super test
Very Nice Experience.
Nice paper
Amazing exam experience.