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RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics 2025 Exam

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About RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics Exam

RPSC School Lecturer (Mathematics) 2022 Application Form for exam can be filled till 04th June 2022. Apply Online for This Exam and the Admit Card. Eligibility Criteria for this exam is that the candidate must be a citizen of India. The candidate's age should be at least as per rules and above. Government Jobs Seekers, who Looking for Govt Jobs 2022 in India to get Latest Government Jobs Recruitment / Vacancies completely published in this portal.

RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics Exam Date

RPSC School Lecturer Exam Schedule has been released on 09th November 2022 on and the online exam for RPSC School Lecturer is to be held on 15th, 16th, and 17th November 2022. Have a look at all the important dates for RPSC School Lecturer Recruitment 2022 from the below table. 

Events Dates
RPSC School Lecturer Notification Release Date 28th April 2022
Online Registration Starts 05th May 2022
Last Date to Apply 04th June 2022 [12 midnight]
Last Date to pay application fee 04th June 2022
RPSC School Lecturer Admit Card 2022 9th November 2022
RPSC School Lecturer Written Test 15th to 17th November 2022
RPSC School Lecturer Result  05th April 2023
Official website

RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics Eligibility

Educational Qualification :
 Post Graduate or equivalent examination recognized by UGC in the relevant subject with Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by the National Council of Teacher Education/Government.

  Age Limit : 
1. Minimum Age Limit : 21 years
​2. Maximum Age Limit : 40 years

RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics Admit Card

The RPSC School Lecturer Admit Card is released, candidates can download it from the official website using the instructions provided below.

Step 1: Visit the RPSC Website.

Step 2: Go to the 'Candidate’s Information' tab located on the homepage. Then, from the drop down menu, click on the ‘Exam dashboard”.

Step 3: Then, the Exam dashboard screen will appear. Click on the RPSC School Lecturer Admit Card 2022 link.

Step 4: A login page will appear. To access the portal, enter your login information.

Step 5: Check your information and download your Admit Card.

Step 6:Take a printout of the same.

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RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics Salary

  • The RPSC School Lecturer Salary is decided by the RPSC. The candidates who are selected for the post of RPSC School Lecturer will get a remuneration with Grade Pay Rs. 4800- (Pay level  L-12)
  • The in-hand salary given to the candidates is incremented considerably along with the basic pay and the allowances. The candidates can enjoy the increments once they complete the probation period.

RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics Syllabus

Paper I
General Studies History of Rajasthan and Indian History with special emphasis on Indian National Movement
Mental Ability Test, Statistics (Secondary Level), Mathematics (Secondary Level), Language Ability Test :- Hindi, English
Current affairs
General Science, Indian Polity, Geography of Rajasthan
Educational Management, Educational Scenario in Rajasthan, Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009

Paper II

Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Senior Secondary Level :-

1. Sets, Relations and Functions : Different kinds of sets and their basic properties, Relations, types of relations, Different types of real valued functions.

2. Complex Numbers : Complex numbers and their algebraic properties, polar representation, square root of a complex number, De-Moivre's theorem Inverse trigonometric functions.

3. Vector Algebra : Vectors and scalars, types of vectors and their algebraic properties, scalar and vector product of two vectors, scalar triple product.

4. Differential calculus : Limit, continuity and differentiability of algebraic functions, trigonometric functions, exponential functions and logarithmic functions. Derivatives of sum, difference, product and quotient of functions. Derivatives of implicit and explicit functions. Increasing and decreasing functions, Second order derivative.

5. Integral calculus : Integration of functions by the method of substitution, partial fraction and by parts. Basic properties of definite integrals and their uses, Gamma Integral

6. Differential equations : Order and degree of a differential equation, solution of differential equations of first order and first degree.

7. Permutations and combinations : Derivation of formulae, their connections and simple applications. Binomial theorem : Binomial theorem for positive integral indices, general and middle terms in binomial expansion.

8. Matrices : Various types of matrices, their basic operations and properties. Invertible matrices and their inverse. Determinants : Determinant of a square matrix and their properties. Solution of system of linear equations in two or three variables using inverse of a matrix.

9. Two dimensional geometry : Cartesian and Polar coordinates, Conic Sections: Axes, Focii, Directrix, Eccentricity of a Conic, Polar equations of a Conic, Straight line, standard equations and simple properties of circle, parabola, ellipse, hyperbola.

10. Applications of derivatives and integrals : Tangent and normals, maxima and minima of functions of one variable. Area under simple curves, area between the simple curves.

11. Statistics : Measures of Central tendency, Mean, Mode, Median for ungrouped and grouped data, measure of dispersion and Standard deviation. Probability and their elementary laws, conditional probability.

II. Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Graduation Level :-

1. Group Theory : Groups and their simple properties, order of an element, order of a group, permutation groups, cyclic groups and their properties, subgroups and their basic algebraic properties, cosets and their properties.

2. Normal subgroups and Rings : Normal subgroups and quotient groups, theorems on homomorphism and isomorphism. Rings, ideals, integral domain and fields.

3. Theory of equations : Relation between the roots and coefficients of general polynomial equation in one variable. Transformation of equations. Descartes’ rule of signs, solution of cubic equations by Cardon’s method, Biquadratic equations by Ferari’s method.

4. Calculus : Partial derivatives, curvature, asymptotes, envelopes and evolutes, maxima and minima of functions upto two variables, Beta and Gamma functions, double and triple integrals.

5. Real Analysis : Mean value theorems (Rolle’s, Lagrange’s, Taylor’s theorems), Riemann Integrals, Sequence and Series with convergence properties.

6. Complex Analysis : Continuity and differentiability of complex functions, Analytic functions, Cauchy – Riemman equation, Harmonic functions. Conformal mappings, Complex Integration, Cauchy Integral Formula.

7. Ordinary and Partial differential equations : Linear differential equations of first order and higher degree, Clairaut’s form, Linear differential equations of constant coefficients, ordinary homogeneous differential equations, Linear differential equations of second order with variable coefficients. Partial differential equations of first order, solution by Lagrange’s method, Standard forms and Charpit's Method.

8. Vector calculus : Gradient, divergence and curl, identities related to them. Line, surface and volume integrals. Applications of Gauss, Stoke’s and Green’s theorems.

9. Three dimensional geometry : Direction ratios and cosines, straight line, plane, sphere, cone and cylinder.

10. Statics : Equilibrium of co-planner forces, moments, friction, virtual work catenary.

11. Dynamics : Velocities and acceleration along radial and transverse directions and along tangential and normal directions, simple harmonic motion, Rectilinear motion under variable laws, Hook’s law and problems, projectiles. 

III. Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Post Graduation Level :

1. Linear Algebra and Metric Space : Vector spaces, linear dependence and independence, bases, dimensions, linear transformations, matrix representation, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Cayley – Hamilton theorem.

Metric Spaces : Bounded and unbounded metric spaces. Open and closed sets in a metric space, Cantor’s ternary set, closure, bases, product spaces.

2. Integral transforms and special functions : Hyper-geometric functions, Legendre’s polynomials, Bessel’s functions. Recurrence relations and orthogonal properties. Laplace transform, inverse Laplace transform. Fourier sine and cosine transforms.  Convolution theorem.

3. Differential Geometry and Tensors : Curves in spaces, Curvature, Torsion, Skew curvature, Serret - Frenet formulae. Helices Osculating circle and sphere. Types of tensors and their algebraic properties. Christoffel’s symbols, covariant and contravariant differentiation, Geodesics.

4. Numerical Analysis : Finite difference operators, Newton’s formula for forward and backward interpolation for equal intervals, Divided difference, Newton’s Lagrange’s, Starling’s and Bessel’s interpolation formulae.

5. Statistics and Optimization Technique’s : Mathematical Expectations, Discrete and Continuous distributions, Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions. Convex set and it's properties. Solution of a L.P.P. by using Simplex methods. Duality, Assignment, Transportation and Game theory. 

Part – IV (Educational Psychology, Pedagogy, Teaching Learning Material, Use of
Computers and Information Technology in Teaching Learning)

I. Educational Psychology

1. Concept, scope and functions of educational psychology.
2. Physical, cognitive, social, emotional and moral developmental characteristics of adolescent learner and its implication for teaching-learning.
3. Behavioural, cognitive and constructivist principles of learning and its implication for senior secondary students.
4. Concept of mental health & adjustment and adjustment mechanism.
5. Emotional intelligence and its implication in teaching learning.

II Pedagogy and Teaching Learning Material (Instructional Strategies for Adolescent Learner)

1. Communication skills and its use.
2. Teaching models- advance organizer, concept attainment, information processing, inquiry training.
3. Preparation and use of teaching-learning material during teaching.
4. Cooperative learning.

III Use of Computers and Information Technology in Teaching Learning

1. Concept of ICT, hardware and software.
2. System approach.
3. Computer assisted learning, computer aided instruction

RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics Exam Pattern

(1) The examination shall carry 450 marks in total and the exam is divided into two papers. 

(2) Paper I shall be 150 marks and Paper II shall be 300 marks. 

(3) The time duration of Paper I is 1 hour 30 minutes and the duration of Paper II is 3 hours. 

(4) The questions in both papers will be objective-type (Multiple Choice Type questions.) 

(5) There shall be a negative marking of one-third of the marks for each incorrect answer. 

RPSC School Lecturer Exam Pattern- Paper I (General Studies)
Subjects  No. of Questions  Marks Duration
History of Rajasthan and Indian History with special emphasis on the Indian National Movement  15 150 marks 1 hour 30 minutes
Mental Ability Test, Statistics (Secondary Level), Mathematics (Secondary Level), Language Ability Test :- Hindi, English  20
Current affairs  10
General Science, Indian Polity, Geography of Rajasthan  15
Educational Management, Educational Scenario in Rajasthan, Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009  15
Total  75  150
RPSC School Lecturer Exam Pattern- Paper II ( Mathematics )
Subjects  No. of Questions  Marks Duration
Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Senior Secondary Level  55 300 marks 3 hours
Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Graduation Level  55
Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Post Graduation Level  10
Educational Psychology, Pedagogy, Teaching Learning Material, Use of Computers and Information Technology in Teaching Learning  30
Total 150 300

RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics How to Apply

1. Firstly, candidates have to open the official website @
2. Then on the home page check the News & Events section.
3. In that click on the “Advt No: 02/2022-23 For School Lecturer (School Education) Exam 2022.
4. Now open the notification and check it thoroughly.
5. If eligible, click on the RPSC Online -> Apply Online option.
6. Now fill in all the required details and finally submit the application.

  Application Fee :  
1. For General (Unreserved) and OBC/ Most Backward Classes of Rajasthan’s creamy layer category : Rs.350/-
2. For Rajasthan’s non-creamy layer OBC/ MBS cand EWS : Rs.250/-
3. For disabled people/ SC/ ST and whose income is less than 2.50 lakhs : Rs.150/-
4. For SC/ ST of TSP area and all of Baran district of sahariya tribals of tehsils : Rs.150/-

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics exam. The syllabus of RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics Exam?
A. To prepare for RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download RPSC School Lecturer Mathematics exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

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