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OAVS PGT English 2025 Exam

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About OAVS PGT English Exam

OAVS Exam Date 2023 Out : OAVS Exam Date 2023 is one of the greatest opportunities for all those candidates who aspire to become a teacher. The application process for Odisha Adarsh Vidyalaya Sangathan has started on its official website to fill up 1010 posts for principals and teachers of various disciplines. OAVS Exam 2023 is going to be conducted from 16th May to 19th May 2023.

OAVS PGT English Exam Date

The OAVS Recruitment 2023 online application dates have been released by Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya Sangathan in its official notification. Application to apply online has begin from 7th March 2023 and will end on 6th April 2023. Given below is the list of Important dates that you must remember.

Events  Dates
Online Application Begins 7th March 2023
Last date to Apply  6th April 2023 (5:00 PM)
Last date to submit fee 8th April 2023 (11:45 PM)
OAVS 2023 Exam 16th May to 19th May 2023
OAVS 2023 Admit Card May 2023
OAVS 2023 Result To be Released

OAVS PGT English Eligibility

Education Qualification :
Bachelor’s Degree in the required subject from a recognized University.
Master’s Degree from a recognized University.
B.Ed from an Institute recognized by NCTE.
B.E./ B.Tech./BCA./ B.Sc. in Computer Science OR, B’ Level of DOEACC / NIELIT in Computer Science from a recognized University.

Age Limit : 21-32 years.

OAVS PGT English Admit Card

The OAVS PGT Admit card is an important document to be carried to the exam hall. Follow the steps shared below to download the admit card without hassle:

Step 1: To obtain your admit card, go to the official website and click on the Download Hall Ticket/Admit Card link.

Step 2: Take your time filling out your Registration Number/Roll Number, Password/DOB, and CAPTCHA code.

Step 3: Click on the "Submit" button after entering all the credentials. Your call letter will be displayed on the screen. 

Step 4: Download the OAVS PGT Admit Card 2023 and take a print of it.

Step 5: Make sure to print more than one copy so that you have a spare in case one is misplaced.

OAVS PGT English Syllabus

English : 
1. Synonyms
2. Antonyms
3. Prepositions
4. Sentence Completion
5. Active and Passive Voice
6. Spelling Test
7. Spotting Errors
8. Passage Completion
9. Substitution
10. Sentence Arrangement
11. Transformation
12. Idioms and Phrases
13. Sentence Improvement
14. Para Completion
15. Joining Sentences
16. Error Correction (Underlined Part)
17. Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
18. Fill in the blanks

Odia Language :
1. Spot the error
2. Fill in the blanks
3. Synonyms
4. Antonyms
5. Spelling/ detecting mis-spelt words
6. Idioms & Phrases
7. One word substitution
8. Improvement of sentences
9. Active/ passive voice of verbs
10. Conversion into direct/ indirect narration
11. Shuffling of sentence parts.

Current Affairs :
1. Sports
2. Awards
3. Politics
4. Finance and Banking sector
5. International happening, etc

Reasoning : 
1. Series
2. Ranks
3. Direction
4. Arrangement
5. Coding
6. Decoding
7. Analogy and Classification/Odd Pair
8. Syllogism and Statement Conclusion. 

Non-Verbal Reasoning : 
1. Figure Formation
2. Dice
3. Triangle
4. Rule
5. Detection
6. Images
7. Completion of Pattern
8. Mirror Images
9. Figure Matrix and Paper Folding, etc.

Concerned Subject (English) :

Section A - Reading Comprehension :
Ability to comprehend, analyze and interpret unseen texts.
Three/four unseen reading passages may be set.

Section B : Writing Ability :-
Ability to express views/opinions in a coherent & logical manner.
B1. One out of two tasks such as factual description of any event or incident, a report or a

B2. Writing one formal letter. Letter types include
a) Business or official letters(for making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for and
giving information, placing orders and sending replies)
b) Letter to the editors(giving facts/figures suggestions/ opinions on an issue of public
interest) on contemporary / current issues.
c) Application for a job with cv.

B3. Writing personal opinion /views/stand in an article/debate/speech etc on a given socio
-· cultural issue -in a style/register suitable to the task set. Issues could relate to
(a) environment
(b) education
(c) gender discrimination
(d) economic disparity etc ..

Section C : Grammar and Usage :
1. Determiners
2. Tenses
3. Clauses
4. Medals
5. Voice

Section D - Literature :
1. Shakespeare's works.
2. Romantic period (e.g. Shelley, Wordsworth, Keats, Coleridge etc)
3. 19th and 20th Century American and English Literature (e.g. Robert Frost,
Hemmingway, Whitman, Hawthorne, Emily Dickinson , Bernard Shaw, Arthur Miller etc.
4. Modern Indian Writing in English (e.g. Anita Desai, Vikram Seth, Nissin Ezekiel, K N
Daruwala, Ruskin Bond, R K Narayan, Mulk Raj Anand, Khushwant Singh etc)
5. Modern writing in English from other parts of the world e.g. Latin America/ Africa/
Australia / South Asia.

Teaching Methodology :
(I) (a) Curriculum: Meaning, Principles, types of curriculum organization, approaches.
(b) Planning: instructional Plan- Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan
(c) Instructional material and resources: Text Books, Work books, Supplementary material AV aids, Laboratories,
Library, Clubs-Museums-Community, Information and
Communication Technology.
(d) Evaluation: Types, tools, Characteristics of a good test, Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Analysis and
interpretation of Scholastic Achievement Test.

(II) Communication & interaction :
1. Theory of Communication, 
2. Types of Communication,
3. Communication & language, 
4. Communication in the classroom, 
5. barriers in communication.

OAVS PGT English Exam Pattern

Sr.No Subject No.of Question Marks Duration 
1 English and Odia (Each 20 Question) 40 40 200 Minutes
2 Current Affairs & Reasoning (Each 30 Question) 60 60
3 Concerned Subject (English) & Methodology 100 100
  Total 200 200
Negative Marking 0.25 Marks

OAVS PGT English How to Apply

To apply online for OAVS Recruitment 2023, a candidate is required to visit the official website of OAVS and register there by following the steps mentioned below:

Step : 1 As a first step, the candidate has to open the official portal of the authority @
Step : 2 Now scroll down from the homepage and visit the “Recruitment” section and from there select ” Indicative Advertisement for Recruitment of the post of Principals and Teachers in OAVs (Advt. No. 1/2023)”
Step : 3 You will be redirected to a new page, from there click on “Apply Online” .
Step : 4 A new page will open and now enter your details to apply online.
Step : 5 Upload the relevant documents and pay the requisite application fee.
Step : 6 Click on submit Online application form.

Application Fee : 
General : Rs 1500/-
OBC : Rs 1000/-
SC : Rs 1000/-
ST : Rs 1000/-
EWS : Rs 1000/-

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) OAVS PGT English Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of OAVS PGT English Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the OAVS PGT English exam. The syllabus of OAVS PGT English comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of OAVS PGT English syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of OAVS PGT English Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the OAVS PGT English exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the OAVS PGT English Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the OAVS PGT English Exam?
A. To prepare for OAVS PGT English exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download OAVS PGT English Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download OAVS PGT English exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

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