All State Level Exams

Rajasthan Patwari 2024 Exam

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About Rajasthan Patwari Exam

RSMSSB conducts a state-level recruitment exam in order to fill in the vacancies for the post of Patwari that arise throughout the year. The exam gives an opportunity to aspiring candidates to work with the Rajasthan Government at various levels.

The selection process of the RSMSSB Patwari post includes two stages- Written Test and Personal Interview. The final selection of the candidates for the post will be made based on the marks scored in both phases. The candidates must have a graduate degree in order to apply for the RSMSSB Patwari Recruitment 2022.

Rajasthan Patwari Exam Date

The Rajasthan Patwari Exam Date 2021 have been announced by the officials of RSMSSB. Candidates interested in applying for the post of Patwari under RSMSSB Patwari recruitment 2021 must go through the important dates below:



Notification 2021 ( Notification 2019)

05th December 2019

Online Application Starts 2020

20th January 2020

Last Date to Apply Online

26th February 2020

Last date for online payment of the fee

19th February 2020

Application 2021 (re-opens)

15 July to 29 July 2021

 Admit Card Download

October 14, 2021

Exam Date 2021

23 and 24 October 2021

Answer Key Release Date 2021

22 November 2021

Challenge Window for Answer Key 2021

24 November 2021 to 26 November 2021

Result 2021

To be announced soon

Rajasthan Patwari Eligibility

Before applying for the RSMSSB Patwari Exam, the candidates must make sure that they meet the eligibility requirements that involve the educational qualifications, age limit and nationality. The RSMSSB Patwari Eligibility Criteria is discussed below in detail.


The candidate should belong to India or must be a citizen of Nepal, Bhutan or Tibetan Refugee who have migrated to India before January 01, 1962.

Age Criteria
  • The minimum age for the candidates applying for the post of RSMSSB Patwari is 18 years while the maximum age is 40 years.
  • The candidates from the reserved categories will be offered age relaxation in the upper age limit. The EWS m?le candidates will be given an age relaxation of 5 years and the EWS female Candidates will be given an age relaxation of 10 years.

Rajasthan Patwari Vacancy

Rajasthan Patwari latest vacancy announced where additional 800 posts for the non-scheduled area and 157 posts for the scheduled area, including 957 posts have been added. RSMSSB had announced a total of 4421 Patwari vacancies in their recruitment notifications.

The RSMSSB Patwari vacancy 2021 details are mentioned below. A total of  5378 patwari jobs have been released by RSMSSB 

Post Name Area Total
Patwari General Area 3637
TSP Area 570
Later added   214
Notice -2021 (vacancies added) scheduled area 157
  non-scheduled area 800
Total Rajasthan Patwari Job   5378

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Rajasthan Patwari Admit Card

The RSMSSB Patwari Admit Card will be available on the official website of RSMSSB a few weeks before the exam. Candidates who applied for the exam will soon be able to download their RSMSSB Admit Card 2022 using their login credentials from the official website.

The important details mentioned on the RSMSSB Admit Card 2022 are:

  • Photograph of the Candidate
  • Registration number
  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Exam Center's Name
  • Exam Reporting Date and Time

How to Download RSMSSB Patwari Admit Card 2022?

Here are the steps to download the RSMSSB Admit Card 2022:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of RSMSSB.
  • Step 2: Click on the link for the RSMSSB Patwari Admit Card 2022 on the homepage.
  • Step 3: Enter the registration number and date of birth.
  • Step 4: Click on the ‘Login’ button.
  • Step 5: The RSMSSB Patwari Admit Card 2022 will appear on the screen.
  • Step 6: Download and take a printout of the admit card for future references.

Rajasthan Patwari Selection

The RSMSSB Patwari Selection Process includes two stages:

  • Written Test
  • Interview

The candidates will be chosen based on their performance in both the written test and the interview. The detailed information on each stage of the selection process is discussed below:

Written Test

The written exam will be made up of objective type questions with a negative marking scheme that deducts 1/3 of a score for each incorrect answer. The duration of the exam will be 3 hours.

Interview/Verification of Documents

The candidates who will clear the written test will be required to undergo the document verification process in order to be considered for final selection. At this point, all of the shortlisted candidates' original documents/certificates will be validated. As a result, on the specified date, all participants must bring their original documents.


Rajasthan Patwari Syllabus

Prepare with the detailed Rajasthan Patwari Syllabus discussed for each subject in detail from the below section and boost up yourself to score more than the required cut off marks. 

Subjects Syllabus
General Science; History, Polity and Geography of India; General Knowledge, Current Affairs
  1. विज्ञान के सामान्य आधारभूत तत्व एवं दैनिक विज्ञान, मानव शरीर, आहार एवं पोषण, स्वास्थ्य देखवाल।
  2. प्राचीन एवं मध्यकालीन भारत के इतिहास की प्रमुख विशेषताएं एवं महत्वपूर्ण ऐतिहासिक (18वी शताव्दी के मध्य से वर्तमान तक) घटनाएं।
  3. भारतीय संविधान, राजनीतिकव्यवस्था एवं शासन प्रणाली, संवैधानिक विकास।
  4. भारत की भौगोलिक विशेषताएं, पर्यावरणीय एवं पारिस्थितिकी परिवर्तन एवं इनके प्रभाव।
  5. समसामयिक राष्ट्रीय घटनाएं।
Geography, History, Culture and Polity of Rajasthan
  1. राजस्थान के इतिहास की महत्वपूर्ण ऐतिहासिक घटनाएं।
  2. राजस्थान की प्रशासनिक व्यवस्था राजयपाल, राज्य विधान सभा, उच्च न्यायालय, राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग, जिला प्रशासन, राज्य मानवाधिकार आयोग, राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग, लोकायुक्त, राज्य सुचना आयोग, लोक नीति।सामाजिक- सांस्कृतिक मुद्दे।
  3. स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन, जान-जागरणएवं राजनैतिक एकीकरण।
  4. लोक कलाऐं, चित्रकलाऐंऔर हस्तशिल्प एवं स्थापत्य।
  5. मेले, त्यौहार, लोकसंगीतएवंलोकनृत्य।
  6. राजस्थानी संस्कृति एवं विरासत, साहित्य।
  7. राजस्थान के धार्मिक आंदोलन, संत एवं लोकदेवता।
  8. महत्वपूर्ण पार्टनस्थल।
  9. राजस्थान के प्रमुख व्यक्तित्व।
General Hindi
  1. दिए गए शब्दों की संधि एवं शब्दों का संधि विच्छेद।
  2. उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय-इनके संयोग से शब्द-संरचना तथा शब्दों से उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय को पृथक करना, इनकी पहचान।
  3. समस्त (सामाजिक) पदकी रचना करना, समस्त (सामाजिक) पद का विग्रह करना।
  4. शब्दयुग्मो का अर्थ भेद।
  5. पर्यायवाची शब्द एवं विलोम शब्दों।
  6. शब्द शुद्धि– दिए गये अशुद्ध शब्दों को शुद्ध करना।
  7. वाक्य शुद्धि– वर्तनी सम्वन्धी अशुद्धियों को छोड़कर वाक्य संबंधी अन्य व्याकरणीय अशुद्धियों का शुद्धिकरण।
  8. वाक्यांश के लिए एक उपयुक्त शब्द।
  9. पारिभाषिक शब्दावली– प्रशासन से सम्वन्धित अंग्रेजी शब्दों के समकक्ष हिंदी शब्द।
  10. मुहावरे एवं लोकोत्तिया
General English
  • Comprehension of unseen passage.
  • Correction of Common errors; correct usage.
  • Synonyms/ Antonyms
  • Phrases and Idioms
Mental Ability & Reasoning, Basic Numerical Efficiency
  • Making Series/Analogies.
  • Figure Matrix questions, Classification.
  • Alphabet Test
  • Passage and Conclusion.
  • Blood Relations.
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Direction sense test
  • Sitting Arrangement.
  • Input-Output.
  • Number Ranking and Time Square
  • Making Judgments.
  • Logical Arrangement of Words
  • Inserting the Missing Character/ number.
  • Mathematical Operations, average, ratio.
  • Area and Volume.
  • Per cent
  • Simple and Compound Interest.
  • Unitary Method.
  • Profit & Loss
Basic Computer
  1. Characteristics of Computers,
  2. Computer Organization including RAM, ROM, File System Input Devices Computer Software, the relationship between Hardware and Software,
  3. Operating System,
  4. MS-Office (exposure of Word, Excel/spreadsheet, PowerPoint)

Rajasthan Patwari Exam Pattern

The candidates have to appear in the written examination which consists of 150 questions for 3 marks each. The duration of the RSMSSB Patwari exam is 3 hours (180 minutes). There will be Multiple Choice Questions asked in the examination. 

Subject No. Of Questions Total Marks Duration
General Science;
History, Polity and Geography Of India;
General Knowledge, Current Affairs
38 76




3 hours

Geography, History, Culture and Polity Of Rajasthan 30 60
General English & Hindi 22 44
Mental Ability and Reasoning,
Basic Numerical Efficiency
45 90
Basic Computer 15 30
Total 150 300

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Rajasthan Patwari Cut off

Due to the vast number of applications, scoring higher than the minimum qualifying marks does not ensure selection. Candidates who receive the highest marks are shortlisted for the next phase of selection. The cutoff marks are the scores of the last candidates in each category who were chosen.

Candidates must achieve scores that are equal to or higher than the cutoffs in order to be considered for further consideration. The candidates can look at the prior year's cut off in order to estimate the current recruitment's cut off. The Rajasthan Patwari Cut Off 2018 for the scheduled areas is listed below.

Category Cut off
General (Male) 95.24
General (Female) 78.52
General (Widow) 2.598
General (Divorced female) 39.64
ST (Male) 71.47
ST (Female) 61.45
ST (Widow ) 2.598
ST (Divorced Female) 0.807
SC (Male) 91.77
SC (Female) 77.28
SC (Widow) 2.598

Rajasthan Patwari Qualification

  • The candidates must have graduate degree from a recognized university.
  • The applicants should have a sound knowledge of the Devanagari script and the ?ulture of Rajasthan.

Apart from the graduate degree, the candidate must have any one of the following qualifications:

  • An "O" or Higher level certificate was conducted by NIELIT New Delhi/DOEACC under the department of control of electronics.
  • Computer Operator and Programming Assistant/ Data presentation and Computer Software (DPCS) Certificate organized under National/State council or Vocational Training Scheme.
  • Degree/Diploma in Computer Science/ Computer Application from a university established by law in India.
  • 3-year diploma in computer science & engineering from a polytechnic institution recognized by the government of India.
  • Degree in any stream of Engineering & Technology from a university established by law.
  • Rajasthan state certificate course in information and technology (RSCIT) conducted by Vardhman Mahaveer open university, Kota under control of Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited.

Rajasthan Patwari How to Apply

The online registration for the Rajasthan patwari exam 2021 (earlier 2019)  started on January 20, 2020 and was closed on February 26, 2020. However, the registration window was reopened  on July 15, 2021 and eventually closed on July 29, 2021. The procedure to apply for the patwari post is given below. Before applying for the post, candidates should ensure to read the instructions given by the Board in the detailed advertisement.

  • Visit the official website of RSMSSB  i.e. 
  • Click on the ‘Recruitment Advertisement’ tab. 
  • A new page will open. Now, click on ‘Direct Recruitment of Patwari (year)’ link or ‘Apply Online’ given next to the link.
  • A new page will be displayed. You can login using their ‘SSO ID’ and password to register for the exam. If you do not have an SSO ID, then click on ‘not a registered user’ and create a new account by registering yourself on A new SSO ID will be generated, which can be used to apply for the Rajasthan patwari exam 2021.
  • Fill in the required details and complete the registration.
  • After successfully registering, login again and fill in the following information:
    • Candidate’s name
    • Mother and father’s name
    • Date of birth
    • Gender
    • Marital status
    • Category
    • Religion
    • Mobile number
    • Email address
    • Correspondence and permanent address
    • Other personal details
    • Sports person details (if applicable)
    • Educational qualification
    • District preferences
    • Payment mode details
  • Candidates should upload their photograph and signature as per the instructions given on the official website or  in the detailed advertisement  published by the Board.
  • Click on ‘Preview’ and check all the information carefully.
  • Click the ‘Submit’ button.
  • Download a copy of the online application form for future reference. 

Application Fee

After completing the online application form, candidates have to pay the application fee without fail. A candidate’s application will not be considered if he/she does not pay the application fee. The application fee payable by various categories is given in the table below:

Sr.No. Category Application Fees
1 General/OBC Creamy Layer Rs. 450
2 OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/MBC Rs. 350
3 SC/ST/Annual income is lower than 2.5 lakhs Rs. 250

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Rajasthan Patwari Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of Rajasthan Patwari Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the Rajasthan Patwari exam. The syllabus of Rajasthan Patwari comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of Rajasthan Patwari syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of Rajasthan Patwari Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the Rajasthan Patwari exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the Rajasthan Patwari Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the Rajasthan Patwari Exam?
A. To prepare for Rajasthan Patwari exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download Rajasthan Patwari Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download Rajasthan Patwari exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

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