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PSSSB Hostel Superintendent 2025 Exam

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About PSSSB Hostel Superintendent Exam

PSSSB Hostel Superintendent 2022 Application Form for exam can be filled till 27th August 2022. Apply Online for This Exam and the Admit Card is Released soon. Eligibility Criteria for this exam is that the candidate must be a citizen of India. The candidate's age should be at least 30 years and maximum of 40 years and above. Government Jobs Seekers, who Looking for Govt Jobs 2022 in India to get Latest Government Jobs Recruitment / Vacancies completely published in this portal.

PSSSB Hostel Superintendent Eligibility

Education Qualification :
1. Should be Matriculate in second division or should pass 10+2 from recognized university or institution:
2. Should posses a certificate in Physical Education (C.P.Ed) horn a recognized university or institution. Preference shall be given to a person possessing a Diploma in Physical Education from a recognized university or institution: and 3.Should posses working a experience for a minimum period of two years in the line.

Age Limit : 18 years of age and not more than 37 years of age.

PSSSB Hostel Superintendent Syllabus

Hostel Superintendent cum PTI
1. Introduction and History of Physical Education.
2. Definition, Meaning, Purpose and Aims of Physical Education.
3. Development of Physical Education in India before and after independence.
4. Importance of Physical Education in modern Era.
5. The Structure and formation of Human Body.
(i) Blood Circulatory System.
(ii) Muscular System.
(iii) Excretory System.
(iv) Nervous System.
(v) Respiratory System.
(vi) Digestive System.
6. Definition of Psychology, Meaning and inspiration, Social aspect of Physical Education.
7. Definition and Meaning of Sports Psychology, objectives of Sports.
8. Meaning of Health Science, Concept, filed, Goals & objectives.
9. Communicable disease its Causes and prevention, Personal Health Science.
10. Development and growth of body. Effect of intoxicants on Health.
11. Balanced Diet.
12. Physical Fitness, Method of Training, Warm up and Cool Down.
13. Incapability, Prevention and Re-generate, First Aid, Muscle Pull, Fracture, Dislocation, Sports Injury.
14. Family Life.
15. Asian Games, Olympic Games, Sports Award, Commonwealth, Punjab Sports Department, Punjab Olympic Association.
16. Kinesiology, Lever, Equilibrium, Motion.
17. Massage, Entertainment, Sports Arrangements, Fixtures.
18. Introduction of Computer, Window, MS Office, Internet, Browsing, PPT.
19. Yoga, Pranayam, Assan.
20. Athletics, Measurement of all play grounds and Basic fundamentals of Sports.
21. Hostel Management.
Part B–General Knowledge, English, Punjabi, Logical Reasoning and Mental Ability.

General Knowledge and Current affairs of National and International importance including:
1. Political issues,
2. Environment issues,
3. Current Affairs,
4. Science and Technology,
5. Economic issues,
6. History of India with special reference to Indian freedom struggle movement.
7. Sports,
8. Cinema and Literature.

Logical Reasoning & Mental Ability : 

Verbal reasoning: 
1. Coding
2. Decoding
3. Analogy
4. Classification
5. Series
6. Direction sense test
7. Relations
8. Mathematical Operations
9. Time test
10. Odd man out problems. 

Non Verbal reasoning: 
1. Series
2. Analogy and Classification
3. Basic numerical skills
4. Percentage
5. Number system
6. LCM and HCF
7. Ratio and Proportion
8. Number series
9. Average
10. Problems based on Ages
11. Profit & Loss
12. Partnership and Mixture
13. Simple and Compound Interest
14. Work and Time
15. Time and Distance
16. Mensuration and Data Interpretation.

1. Basic Grammar
2. Subject and Verb
3. Adjectives and Adverbs
4. Synonyms
5. Antonyms
6. One Word Substitution
7. Fill in the Blanks
8. Correction in Sentences
9. Idioms and their meanings
10. Spell Checks
11. Adjectives
12. Articles
13. Prepositions
14. Direct and Indirect Speech
15. Active and Passive Voice
16. Correction in Sentences, etc.

PSSSB Hostel Superintendent Exam Pattern

Sr.No Subject No.of Question Marks  Duration 
Part A Concerned Subject 90 90 120 Minutes
Part B General Knowledge, English, Punjabi, Logical Reasoning and Mental ability 30 30
  Total 120 120
Negative Marking  0.25 Marks

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PSSSB Hostel Superintendent How to Apply

Steps to Apply Online for PSSSB Hostel Superintendent Recruitment 2022

1. Visit the Official Website of PSSSB.
2. Click on Online Application form.
3. Than Click on apply for posts of Hostel Superintendent-cum-PTI and Storekeeper against Advertisement no. 06 of 2022.
4. Now Fill the Registration Form.
5. Fill All the Required Details.
6. Click on Final Submission.
7. Take a Print out of Application.

Application Fee : 
1. General Category – Rs. 1000/-
2. SC, BC & EWS – Rs. 250/-
3. Ex-Servicemen & Dependent – Rs. 200/-
4. Physical Handicapped – Rs. 500/-

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) PSSSB Hostel Superintendent Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of PSSSB Hostel Superintendent Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the PSSSB Hostel Superintendent exam. The syllabus of PSSSB Hostel Superintendent comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of PSSSB Hostel Superintendent syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of PSSSB Hostel Superintendent Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the PSSSB Hostel Superintendent exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the PSSSB Hostel Superintendent Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the PSSSB Hostel Superintendent Exam?
A. To prepare for PSSSB Hostel Superintendent exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download PSSSB Hostel Superintendent Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download PSSSB Hostel Superintendent exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

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