JSSC Lab Assistant Chemistry 2023 Application Form exam can be filled till 04th May 2023. Apply Online for This Exam and the Admit Card is Released soon. Eligibility Criteria for this exam is that the candidate must be a citizen of India. The Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) invites applications from eligible candidates for the post of Lab Assistant in three disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology). The candidates must go through the complete article as here candidates will get to know the vacancy count, eligibility criteria, selection process, and other important information on JSSC Lab Assistant Recruitment 2022 in detail.
Events | Dates |
JSSC Lab Assistant Notification Release Date | 21st March 2023 |
JSSC Lab Assistant Apply Online Start | 5th April 2023 |
JSSC Lab Assistant Last Date to Apply | 4th May 2023 |
JSSC Lab Assistant Admit Card Release Date | Notified later |
JSSC Lab Assistant Exam Date | Notified later |
JSSC Lab Assistant Result Release Date | Notified later |
JSSC Lab Assistant official website | jssc.nic.in |
Candidates must meet all the eligibility criteria set by JSSC. Brief note of the criteria are:
Candidates should be not less than 21 years of age. Age relaxation is entertained among reserved candidates. Based on category, the upper age limit varies.
Category |
Relaxation in upper age limit |
Unreserved |
35 years |
Extremely Backward class and Backward class (male) |
37 years |
Unreserved/ Extremely Backward class and Backward class (female) |
38 years |
SC/ST (Male & Female) |
40 years |
Disabled candidates of all categories |
10 years from upper age limit |
Ex-Servicemen |
Additional 5 years |
Candidates must have completed required education to take JSSC Lab Assistant recruitment exams.
Follow the steps to download the JSSC Lab Assistant Admit card.
Step 1: Go to official site of JSSC
Step 2: Click on ‘’Admit card 2023’’ on the Main Page
Step 3: Now find ‘JSSC Lab Assistant admit card’ and click on it.
Step 4: Enter Application Number and Date of Birth in the login portal.
Step 5: Now, the JSSC Lab Assistant admit card is displayed on the new screen.
Step 6: Check all the details entered on the admit card.
Step 7: Save and Download the admit card.
General Hindi :
1. Hindi Comprehension
2. Hindi Grammar
General Studies :
1. Current Affairs
2. Scientific Progress
3. National / International Awards
4. Indian Languages
5. Books
6. Script
7. Capital
8. Currency
9. Sports
10. Important Events
11. History of India
12. culture
13. geography
14. Environment
15. Economic scenario
16. Independence movement
17. Salient features of Indian agriculture and natural resources and constitution and polity of India, political system of the country,
18. Panchayati Raj
19. Community development
20. Five year plan.
Mental Ability Test :
1. Similarities and Differences
2. Space Visualization
3. Problem Solving
4. Analysis
5. Visual Memory
6. Differentiation
7. Observation
8. Relationship Concept
9. Numerical Reasoning
10. Numerology
11. Number Series and Code Writing and Code Interpretation etc.
Knowledge Related to Jharkhand State :
1. Geography
2. History
3. Civilization
4. Culture
5. Language-Literature
6. Location
7. Mines
8. Minerals
9. Industry
10. Contribution of Jharkhand in the National Movement
11. Development Plans
12. Sports Players
13. Personality
14. Civil Achievements
15. Topics of National and International Importance etc.
Computer Knowledge :
1. Various computer equipments
2. MS Windows operating system
3. MS questions related to information about the method of office and internet operation can be asked.
JSSC Lab Assistant Syllabus for Elective Subjects 2023 |
Subject |
Syllabus |
Chemistry |
Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) follows the exam pattern for JSSC Lab Assistant recruitment. Highlights of mains examination as follows:
Subject |
No. Of questions |
Marks |
Duration |
Paper I |
Hindi Paragraph |
25 |
25 |
3 hours |
Hindi Grammar |
25 |
25 |
General Knowledge |
50 |
50 |
Total |
100 |
100 |
Paper II |
Concerned Subject ( Chemistry ) |
150 |
300 |
3 hours |
Total |
150 |
300 |
Level of questions is up to real exam level.
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