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UGC NET Electronic Science 2025 Exam

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About UGC NET Electronic Science Exam

UGC NET Notification 2023 Out : UGC NET December 2023 Notification was released on 30th September 2023 by the National Testing Agency (NTA). Every year, the National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts the UGC NET exam twice to determine eligibility for Assistant Professorships, Junior Research Fellowships, or both for Indian Universities and Colleges. The online application process for UGC NET 2023 has been extended and interested and eligible candidates can apply online before 31st October 2023 by 11:59 pm. The NTA UGC NET exam is conducted twice in June & December every year. Though there is a provision for conducting the UGC NET exam twice a year. A session of the UGC NET 2023 (December 2023) will be conducted by the National Eligibility Authority (NTA) for the recruitment of Assistant Professors and Junior Research Fellows (JRFs). Universities and Colleges.  

UGC NET Electronic Science Exam Date

The online registration dates and other important dates for the UGC NET Dec 2023 exam have been announced along with UGC NET Notification 2023. The UGC NET Application Form 2023 filling process has been extended till 31st October 2023 at Check the important dates for UGC NET 2023 as mentioned below. 

Events Dates
UGC NET Notification 30th September 2023
Release of Application form 30th September 2023
UGC NET Application Form Last Date 31st October 2023 (11:59 pm)
Last date to Pay Fee 31st October 2023 (11:59 pm)
Correction of Application Form  1st to 3rd November 2023 (11:59 pm)
UGC NET Admit Card 2023 01st week of December 2023
UGC NET 2023 December Exam Date 06th to 22nd December 2023
UGC NET 2024 June Exam Date 10th to 21st June 2024
Official website 

UGC NET Electronic Science Eligibility

Age Limit 

Age criteria that candidates need to have in order to be eligible for the exam is as follows:

  • To apply for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) Candidates should not be aged more than 31 years as of June 01, 2022.
  • For the role of Assistant Professor, there is no age bar to apply
  • SC/ST/OBC/PwD and women candidates will be given a relaxation of five years. Candidates who have research experience will be given relaxation, limited to the period spent on research in the relevant subject of Post Graduation degree.

Age Limit for Assistant Professor

The candidates who are appearing for the UGC NET Exam for the post of Assistant professor only do not have to adhere to any upper limit pertaining to the age criteria.

Age Limit for JRF

The candidates applying for the UGC NET Exam 2022 for the post of JRF should not exceed the age of 31 years as of June 01, 2022. The candidates are also offered several relaxations based on the category they belong to. The candidates will not be eligible for the position if they cross the upper age limit set for the category they belong to.

Age Relaxation


Age Relaxation (in years)



Females of all categories


Candidates holding LLM degree


Candidates in armed forces


Educational Qualification

Candidates need to obtain the below given educational qualification in order to be eligible for the UGC NET exam. Read them thoroughly before applying for the same:

  • Candidates should secure at least 55% marks in master’s degree exam candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST)/Other Backward Class (OBC)/Persons with Disability (PwD)/Transgender category is given relaxation of 5%.
  • Candidates should have a post-graduation degree from a UGC-recognized college or university in relevant streams such as Electronic Science, Humanities, Computer Science & Applications, Social Science etc.
  • Candidates appearing or waiting for their final year results (master’s degree) are also eligible to apply online for UGC NET. However, such candidates will be accepted provisionally and will be considered eligible only when they pass their master’s exam with the required percentage. “Such candidates need to complete their PG degree examination within two years from the date of NET result with required percentage of marks, failing which they shall be treated as disqualified”, notifies the Official website.
  • Those who hold PhD degree whose master’s exams completed on September 19, 1991, are eligible for a relaxation of five percent marks in the aggregate i.e. only 50 percent marks will be required for such candidates.
  • Candidates who have qualified as CA or CS or ICWA can appear for the UGC NET exam.
  • SC students are applicable for National Fellowship based on the merit of each UGC-NET-JRF or CSIR-NET-JRF examination.


A candidate should be an Indian national to be eligible for UGC NET Recruitment. He should have any of the following document to prove his nationality:

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Aadhar Card
  3. Pan Card
  4. School Leaving Certificate

UGC NET Electronic Science Admit Card

The candidates must go through the below mentioned steps to download the UGC NET Admit Card.

Step 1: Click the direct link above to download the UGC NET Admit Card 2022.

Step 2: Candidates are required to enter their Login ID, date of birth, and security pin correctly.

Step 3: Click on the login button provided.

Step 4: Your UGC NET Admit Card will appear on your screen.

Step 5: Alternatively, you can also visit the UGC NET Official Website.

Step 6: The homepage of UGC NET will appear.

Step 7: Click the link “Download UGC NET Admit Card 2022.”

Step 8: Repeat the steps above mentioned downloading the admit card.

Step 9: Download it and take a print out of your admit card.

Step 10: Keep it safe for future reference.

UGC NET Electronic Science Syllabus

UGC NET Electronic Science Syllabus can be a bit difficult to cover, so you should have an appropriate research plan and strategy for it. For simplicity, we have provided UGC NET Electronic Science Syllabus. 


Introduction to Semiconductor, energy bands in solids, the concept of effective mass, the density of states, Fermi levels. PN Junction, Diode equation and diode equivalent circuit, Breakdown in diodes, Zener diode, Tunnel diode, Metal semiconductor junction – Ohmic and Schottky contacts, Characteristics and equivalent circuits of JFET, MOSFET. Low dimensional semiconductor devices – quantum wells, quantum wires, quantum dots. High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT), Solar cells – I-V characteristics, fill factor and efficiency, LED, LCD, and flexible display devices. Emerging materials for future Devices: Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes (CNT), ZnO, SiC, etc.


IC fabrication – crystal growth, epitaxy, oxidation, lithography, doping, etching, isolation methods, metallization, bonding, Thin film deposition, and characterization Techniques: XRD, TEM, SEM, EDX, Thin-film active and passive devices, MOS technology, and VLSI, scaling of MOS devices, NMOS and CMOS structures and fabrication, Characteristics of MOS transistors and threshold voltage, NMOS and CMOS inverters, Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) – structure, charge storage, and transfer, Basics of VLSI design, stick diagrams, Layout design rules. 


Superposition, Thevenin, Norton and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems, Network elements, Network graphs, Nodal and Mesh analysis. Laplace Transform, Fourier Transform and Z-transform. Time and frequency domain response, Passive filters, Two-port Network Parameters: Z, Y, ABCD and h parameters, Transfer functions, Signal representation, State variable method of circuit analysis, AC circuit analysis, Transient analysis, Zero, and Poles, Bode Plots. 2 Continuous-time signals, Fourier Series and Fourier transform representations, Sampling theorem, and applications, Discrete-time signal, Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), Fast Fourier transform (FFT), Basic concepts of digital signal processing, digital filters – IIR, FIR. 


Rectifiers, Voltage regulated ICs and regulated power supply, Biasing of Bipolar junction transistors and FETs, operating point and stability, Amplifiers, Classification of amplifiers, Concept of feedback, Hartley, Colpitt’s and Phase Shift oscillators, Operational amplifiers (OPAMP) - characteristics, computational applications, comparators, Schmitt trigger, Instrumentation amplifiers, wave shaping circuits, Phase-locked loops, Active filters, Multivibrators, Voltage to frequency converters (V/F), frequency to voltage converters (F/V). 


Logic Families, Logic Gates, Boolean algebra and minimization techniques, Combinational circuits, Programmable Logic Devices (PLD), CPLD, flip-flops, memories, Sequential Circuits: Counters – Ring, Ripple, Synchronous, Asynchronous, Shift registers, multiplexers and demultiplexers, A/D and D/A converters, Analysis and Design of fundamental mode state machines: State variables, State table, and State diagram. Sequential PLD, FPGA, Analysis and Design of digital circuits using HDL. 


Introduction of Microprocessor 8086: Architecture, Addressing modes, instruction set, interrupts, Programming, Memory, and I/O interfacing. Introduction of Microcontrollers – 8051 for embedded systems, Architecture and register set of Microcontroller 8051, Addressing modes, the Instruction set of 8051 – Data transfer instructions, Arithmetic instructions, Logic instructions, bit-level, and byte-level control transfer instructions, 8051 assembly programming – stack operations, subroutines, interrupts, 8051 programming as timer/counter, 8051 serial communication, 8051 interfacing RS232, LED/LCD, Keyboard, Stepper motor. 


Electrostatics - vector calculus, Gauss’s Law, Laplace and Poisson’s equations, Magnetostatics – Biot Savert’s law, Ampere’s law and electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations and wave equations, Plane wave propagation in free space, dielectrics and conductors, Poynting theorem, Reflection and refraction, polarization, interference, coherence and diffraction, Transmission lines and waveguides – line equations, impedance, reflections and voltage standing wave ratio, rectangular waveguides. Antennas – retarded potential and Hertzian dipole, half-wave antenna, antenna patterns, radiation intensity, gain, effective area, and Frii’s free space receiver power equation. Microwave Sources and Devices -Reflex Klystron, Magnetron, TWT, Gunn diode, IMPATT diode, Crystal Detector, and PIN diode. Radar – block diagram of Radar, frequencies, and power used, Radar range equation.


Analog modulation and demodulation - AM, FM and PM, Principle of a superheterodyne receiver, Random signals, noise, noise temperature, and noise figure, Basic concepts of information theory, Error detection and correction, Digital modulation and demodulation – PCM, ASK, FSK, PSK, BPSK, QPSK and QAM, Time and Frequency-Division Multiplexing, Multiple Access techniques, Data Communications – Modems, Codes, Principles of Mobile and Satellite Communication, Optical communication, Optical sources - LED, spontaneous and stimulated emission, semiconductor Lasers, Detectors – PIN photodiodes, avalanche photodiodes (APD), Optical fibers – attenuation and dispersion characteristics, Bandwidth, Wavelength division multiplexing. Fundamentals of Internet of Things (IoT) for communication. 


Power devices – characteristics of SCR, DIAC, TRIAC, power transistors, Protection of thyristors against over-voltage and current. SCR triggering - DV/DT and di/DT, triggering with single pulse and train of pulses, A.C. and D.C. motors - construction and speed control. Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS). Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS). Open-loop and closed-loop control system, Block Diagram reduction techniques, transfer function, and signal flow diagram, Stability criterion: Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist plot, On-off controller, Proportional (P), Proportional-Integral (PI), Proportional-Derivative (PD), PID controllers. 


Transducers – Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance, Piezoelectric, Thermoelectric, Hall effect, Photoelectric, Measurement of displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, torque, strain, temperature, pressure, flow, humidity, thickness, pH. They are measuring Equipment – Measurement of R, L, and C, Bridge and Potentiometers, voltage, current, power, energy, frequency/time, phase, Digital Multimeters, CRO, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer., Biomedical Instruments – ECG, EEG, Blood Pressure Measurements, MEMS and its applications Sensors for IoT applications.

UGC NET Electronic Science Exam Pattern

It is necessary for the candidates to know the exam pattern of the UGC NET before preparing a strategy for the exam. As per the UGC NET Electronic Science Syllabus, the exam pattern is as follows. 

Exam Pattern for Paper-I 

Name of the Section

Number of Questions


Teaching Aptitude






Reading Comprehension






Research Aptitude



Information and Communication Technology



Higher Education System



People and Environment



Data Interpretation



Logical Reasoning



Total Number of Questions


Total Marks


​UGC NET Exam Pattern for Paper 1

Every candidate that has applied for the UGC NET exam will mandatorily have to sit for paper 1 which consists of a total of 10 sections. Candidates will have to attempt the questions and clear this paper in order to appear for the paper 2 which is the next stage in the UGC NET examinations.

  • The questions will be objective type.
  • Each question will carry 2 marks.
  • Paper I will be for a duration of 1 hour.
  • No negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I.

UGC NET Exam Pattern for Paper II

NTA in its latest notification on UGC NET Paper 2 exam has stated that this paper will depend on the subject that an individual chooses out of the 82 available subjects while filling out the UGC NET examination. Also the Candidates can only  appear in their Post-Graduation subject for Paper 2 of UGC NET exam In case, their subject of Post graduation is not included in the list of 82 subjects, they can choose a comparable subject.
However, for any subject, people choose, the exam pattern will be the same for all subjects. The candidates have to be very well read and through with their subjects as it will test their subject knowledge mainly. The paper will be objective type. Below is an overview of the NTA UGC NET paper pattern for the same.

  • Each question will carry 2 marks.
  • Paper-II will have a duration of 2 hours.
  • No negative marking will be given for wrong answers in Paper-II.


Number of questions

Maximum marks

Electronic Science



UGC NET Electronic Science How to Apply

The candidates will have to apply for the exam on the official website of NTA. The steps to be followed to apply online for the UGC NET Exam have been given below.

Step 1: Visit the official website of UGC.

Step 2: UGC NET Application Form will be showcased on the screen. 

Step 3: Fill in all the required details ( personal and educational details) in the UGC application form carefully without any mistakes.

Step 4: Candidates can then proceed to upload the scanned photograph

Step 5: After the photograph has been attached a message consisting of the application number will be displayed on the screen.

Step 6: After that, the required fee must be paid

Step 7: Once the payment is done, you can take the printout of the Application form 2023 for future reference.

Note - Candidates are also requested to download and install the SANDES application as a secondary channel to receive time-to-time notifications from NTA.

Application Fees

It is really important to know about the UGC NET application fee which all candidates are required to pay for registering themselves for the examination. The detailed application fee for different categories is shown below in table-


Application Fees

UR (General category)

INR 1150

General-EWS/OBC-NCL INR 600

SC/ ST/ PWD and Third Gender

INR 325

Other Related NET Exams

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) UGC NET Electronic Science Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of UGC NET Electronic Science Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the UGC NET Electronic Science exam. The syllabus of UGC NET Electronic Science comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of UGC NET Electronic Science syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of UGC NET Electronic Science Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the UGC NET Electronic Science exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the UGC NET Electronic Science Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the UGC NET Electronic Science Exam?
A. To prepare for UGC NET Electronic Science exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download UGC NET Electronic Science Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download UGC NET Electronic Science exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

Reviews UGC NET Electronic Science