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TSSPDCL Sub Engineer 2025 Exam

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About TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Exam

TSSPDCL Sub Engineer 2022 Application Form exam can be filled till 05th July 2022. Apply Online for This Exam and the Admit Card is Released soon. Eligibility Criteria for this exam is that the candidate must be a citizen of India. The candidate's age should be at least maximum 40 years. Government Jobs Seekers, who Looking for Govt Jobs 2022 in India to get Latest Government Jobs Recruitment / Vacancies completely published in this portal.

TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Exam Date

Events Dates
Starting Date For Apply 15th June 2022
Last Date For Apply 05th July 2022
Date For Examination 31st July 2022
Admit Card 23rd July 2022
Official Website

TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Eligibility

Age Limit
  • The age of the candidates should be between 18 years to 44 years as of 01.01.2022 while applying for the post.
  • There will be relaxation in the upper age limit applicable for the respective categories as mentioned below:


Age Relaxation


5 years

Physically Handicapped candidate

10 years

Educational Qualification

The TSSPDCL Sub Engineer educational criteria should be fulfilled by the applicants before applying for the post. The required educational qualification is as follows:

  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering (DEE) (or) Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (DEEE) or Graduation in Electrical Engineering in addition to Diploma in Electrical Engineering (or) Graduation in Electrical & Electronics Engineering in addition to Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering or any other equivalent qualification recognized by the Board/University of State/India/ UGC/DEC/AICTE as the case may be.
  • If there is any deviation from the above qualification for the above post, the candidates shall submit the equivalency certificate from the authority of issuing the qualification certificate


The Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited (TSSPDCL) recruits candidates for the post across various states of the country. Candidates should be a citizen of India in order to be eligible for the TSSPDCL Sub Engineer post. 

TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Admit Card

The Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited has activated the admit card link for the candidates to download their hall tickets for the exam. All the eligible candidates whose application has been approved by the corporation will get their respective TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Hall Ticket. Follow the steps given below for the smooth downloading procedure of the Hall Ticket:

Step 1: Go to the official TSSPDCL website.

Step 2: Now locate the TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Hall Ticket link and click on it.

Step 3: Next, enter the Registration Number and Password in the login portal.

Step 4: The call letter can be viewed on the screen.

Step 5: Now, download or print the copy of the Hall Ticket PDF for future reference.

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TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Syllabus

Section A ​ : Syllabus   Technical Subject (Electrical) :
Topics Details
 Basic Electrical Engineering 1. Ohms law and Kirchhoff’s laws, Star/Delta transformation, Network theorems, Power and Energy, Heating effects of electric current, Magnetic effects, Electromagnetic induction, Electrostatics. Batteries, Types of Electrical engineering materials – Conducting, Semi-conducting, Magnetic, Insulating, Di-electric materials – Properties and Uses.
D.C. Machines & Measurements 1. D.C.Generators: Construction, Operation, Types, EMF Equation, Windings, Characteristics, Efficiency and Parallel operation. DC Motors: Principle of operation, Back EMF, Torque Equation, Types, Characteristics, Starters, Speed Control, Losses, Efficiency and Testing.
2. Measuring Instruments: Classification, Principle &f Operation of Moving Coil, Moving Iron, Dynamometer type and Induction type meters. Instrument Transformers, Induction type Energy meter, M.D. Indicator, Tri Vector Meter, Power factor meter, Frequency meter, Measurement of Resistance, Transducers and Sensors – Types, Thermistor, Thermo-couple, Pressure Transducers and Strain gauges, Working of Cathode ray oscilloscope
A.C. Circuits and Transformers 1. A.C. Circuits: Fundamentals, Series and parallel R-L-C Circuits, Resonant circuits, Three-phase circuits, Measurement of power by two Wattmeters.
2. Transformers: Single-phase Transformer, Construction, Operation, Equivalent circuit, Regulation, Efficiency, Testing and parallel operation, Three-phase transformer, Auto-transformer
A.C. Machines 1. Alternators: Construction, Operation, EMF equation, regulation, testing and parallel operation.
2. Synchronous Motors: Operation and performance, Effects of excitation, V – Curve and inverted V – Curve, Methods of starting and uses.
3. Three-Phase Induction Motors: Construction, Principle of Operation, Torque Equation, Slip-torque characteris
4. Single-phase Motors: Types, Principle of operation, characteristics and applications of induction motors and commutator motors
 Power System Generation & Protection 1. Generating Stations: Working components, Comparison of Thermal, Hydel, and Nuclear stations, Pollution control, Combined Working, Power Station auxiliaries, Characteristic Curves and Important definitions, Types of tariffs, Power factor correction and economy.
2. Power Systems Protection: Circuit Breakers – Types, Principles of operation and uses. Current Limiting reactors, Relays – Classification, Principle of Operation of Induction type overcurrent relay, Directional and Non-directional relays, Differential relays and Distance relays, Protection of Alternations, Transformers, Bus-bars, Transmission lines, Lightening arrestors, Neutral grounding.
Transmission and Distribution 1. Transmission: Types of supply systems, Transmission Line parameters, inductance and capacitance, performance of short and medium lines, regulation, Ferranti effect, Corona, Basic concepts of HVDC Transmission, Advantages and disadvantages of HVDC Transmission. Components of lines, supports, conductor spacing, ground clearance and sag, insulators, voltage distribution across the string, string efficiency, methods of
improving string efficiency, Earthing and layout of sub-stations.
2. Cables – Classification, insulation resistance, specifications, Distribution – Radial and ring type distributions, variation of load voltage,
Utilization and Electric Drives 1. Lighting: Laws of Illumination, Types of Lamps, Lighting Schemes for indoor, outdoor, street and factory.
2. Heating and Welding: Principles and application of different resistance heating, direct and indirect arc furnaces, core and core-less induction furnaces, di-electric heating, Welding generators & welding transformers.
3. Electric Traction: Systems of Train Electrification, Speed-time Curves for different services, Schedule speed, Tractive Effort, Specific Energy Consumption, Traction system auxiliaries, Traction motors.
4. Electric Drives: Different Types, nature of the load, Rating of motors, Types of enclosures, Motors for different drives. Electric Braking – Dynamic braking and Counter-current braking of dc motors and 3-phase induction motors.
Electrical Estimation and Automation 1. Electrical Wiring: Tools, Wires, Types of wiring, Accessories, Lamp Circuits, Estimating and Costing of domestic, industrial power, irrigation pump sets, Rural electrification, departmental tests, earthing.
2. Automation: Basics of the control system, Basic principles of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Parts of PLC, Simple applications with PLC.
Basic Electronics and Digital Electronics 1. Semi-Conductor Devices: N-Type & P-type, Zener diode, PNP and NPN Transistors, Transistor configurations, input and output characteristics, power supplies – half-wave and full-wave rectifiers. Filters, Zener diode, regulation, Special devices-UJT, FET, LED, SCR, Opto-Coupler, Photodiode, Photo Transistor.
2. Amplifiers: Types, Principles of operation, Characteristics RC coupled, Transformer coupled and Direct-coupled amplifiers. Class A amplifiers, Push-pull amplifiers, Feedback, Difference and Operational amplifiers Oscillators and Electronic Testers, Function Generators, Industrial application of timers, Basics of IC’s.
3. Digital Electronics: Different numbering systems, Inter Conversions, Boolean Algebra, Logic families, Performance of AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND gates, Combinational logic circuits, Sequential logic circuits, Registers and Memories, A/D and D/A converters.
Power Electronics and Micro Controller 1. Power Electronic Devices: Construction and working of SCR, GTO, DIAC, TRIAC, Volt-ampere characteristics, Trigging of SCR using UJT Protection.
2. Convertors: Types of Phase-controlled Convertors, Working of AC regulators and Choppers. Types & basic principles of working of Inverters and Cycloconvertors.
3. Speed control: Speed control of D.C.Motors using converters and choppers, Speed control of induction motor using AC Voltage regulators and V/f Control, Switched-mode power supplies (SMPS), UPS.
4. Micro-Controllers: Architecture and Instruction set of 8051, Programming concepts, peripheral IC’s – Function, features, Pin details and interfacing of 8255,8251, 8279, 8257, 8259, RS-232.
Section B Syllabus
Topics Details
General Awareness and Numerical Ability  1. Analytical & Numerical Ability
2. General Awareness
3. English
4. Related to Telangana Culture & Movement
5. Computer Knowledge

TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Exam Pattern

Candidates should check the TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Exam Pattern to identify the paper format, number of sections, number of questions, maximum marks, etc. As per the official notification, the Exam Pattern for the written exam is given below:

  • The written exam comprises objective type multiple choice answers.
  • The medium of the question paper shall be English Language only.



Number of Questions

Maximum Marks


Section A

Core Technical Subject



2 Hours

Section B

General Awareness and Numerical Ability






2 hours

TSSPDCL Sub Engineer How to Apply

1. Candidates must go through the official site
2. The homepage of the TSSPDCL will appear on the screen.
3. Now click on the Career option which is top of the page.
4. There, download the Telangana Sub Engineer Notification 2022.
5. Check the eligibility details.
6. Hit on the TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Application Form 2022.
7. Fill in all the details.
8. Make a fee payment.
9. Submit the application form before the last date.
10. Take a printout of the hard for further usage. 

Application Fee :
1. For Other : Rs. 200+120/- (Online Application Processing Fee + Examination Fee)
2. For SC/ST/BC Communities, PH and applicants belonging to EWS : NIL

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the TSSPDCL Sub Engineer exam. The syllabus of TSSPDCL Sub Engineer comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of TSSPDCL Sub Engineer syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the TSSPDCL Sub Engineer exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Exam?
A. To prepare for TSSPDCL Sub Engineer exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download TSSPDCL Sub Engineer exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

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