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IREL Diploma Trainee 2025 Exam

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About IREL Diploma Trainee Exam

IREL Diploma Trainee 2022 Application Form for exam can be filled till 14th July 2022. Apply Online for This Exam and the Admit Card. Eligibility Criteria for this exam is that the candidate must be a citizen of India. The candidate's age should be at least 26 years and above. Government Jobs Seekers, who Looking for Govt Jobs 2022 in India to get Latest Government Jobs Recruitment / Vacancies completely published in this portal.

IREL Diploma Trainee Exam Date

Events Dates
Starting Date For Apply 17th June 2022
Last Date For Apply 14th July 2022
Admit Card  08th September 2022
Exam Date 11th September 2022
Result Date  Notified Soon

IREL Diploma Trainee Eligibility

Age Limit (As of 7th July 2022)

The IREL Diploma Trainee Age Limit must not exceed 26 years but if we talk about the maximum age after relaxation, then it is 45 years. The age relaxation provided by the organization for the candidates under the reserved categories is shown below:


Age Relaxation (In Years) 











Domicile of J & K (01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989)


Education Qualification

All the candidates must satisfy the IREL Diploma Trainee Eligibility Criteria such as the required educational qualifications to be able to apply for the post of the IREL Diploma Trainee. The minimum education required is:

  • The candidates must have a 3 years Diploma in Mining/ Chemical / Mechanical / Electrical/ Civil Engineering from an AICTE recognized Institute or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate for SC/ST candidates and 60% marks in aggregate for others.


Only Indian citizens are eligible to apply for the position of IREL Diploma Trainee, according to the Organization. Candidates from all over the country, regardless of where they reside, are eligible to apply for the IREL Diploma Trainee post. During the recruitment process, applications from applicants who cannot show evidence of citizenship in India will be rejected.

IREL Diploma Trainee Admit Card

The candidates need to take a hard copy of their IREL Admit Card, without which they cannot appear for the Diploma Trainee exam. The candidates can download the IREL Diploma Trainee Admit Card from the official website of the company by following the below-given steps. 

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Indian Rare Earths Limited.

Step 2: On the homepage, visit the careers tab. From the list of recruitments, search for the IREL Diploma Trainee notification. Click on it

Step 3: Now, once the notification will expand, you can click on the 'Written exam Admit Card'. 

Step 4: A new webpage will open up. Enter your credentials and submit them. 

Step 5: Save the PDF of the IREL Diploma Trainee hall ticket and take a printout of it for future use. 

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IREL Diploma Trainee Selection

1. Written Exam
2. Skill Test/ Trade Test/ Computer Proficiency Test/ Psychometric Test (as applicable)
3. Document Verification
4. Medical Examination

IREL Diploma Trainee Syllabus

Subjects Syllabus
General Knowledge 1. General Policy
2. Indian History
3. Indian National Movements
4. Sports
5. Indian Economy
6. Science- Innovations and Discoveries
7. Books and Authors
8. Budget and Five Year Plans
9. Current affairs-National and International
10. Captains of Indian States
11. Science and Technology
12. International and National Organizations
13. Important Days
14. Abbreviations
15. Countries and Capitals
16. Awards and Honors
Numerical Ability 1. Code Inequalities
2. Data sufficiency Tests
3. Direction Tests
4. Seating Arrangement
5. Puzzles
6. Tabulation
7. Logical Reasoning
8. Alphabetic Series
9. Syllogism
10. Input/output
11. Coding and Decoding
12. Blood Relations
13. Alphanumeric Series
Reasoning Ability 1. Space Visualization
2. Analysis
3. Arithmetic Number series
4. Letter series
5. Odd Man Out
6. Clocks
7. Shapes and Mirror
8. Similarities
9. Coding-Decoding
10. Analytic Reasoning
11. Decision Making
12. Visual Memory
13. Problem Solving
14. Judgment
15. Relationship Concepts
16. Venn Diagrams
17. Non Verbal Tests
18. Semantic Analogy
General English 1. Prepositions
2. Sentence
3. Fill in the blanks
4. Substitutions
5. Spotting Error
6. Error correction
7. Completion
8. Vocabulary
9. Cloze Test
10. Transformation
11. Articles
12. Passage Completion
13. Synonyms
14. Antonyms
15. Idioms and phrases
16. Articles
17. Tense
Concerned Subject -
Civil 1. Surveying
2. Building Materials, Estimating
3. Costing and Valuation
4. Transportation Engineering
5. Environmental Engineering
6. Soil Mechanics
7. Hydraulics
8. Irrigation Engineering
Electrical  1. Control systems.
2. Analytical instrumentation.
3. Power Systems.
4. Digital Signal Processing.
5. Computer Control of Processes, Networks.
6. Power Electronics and Drives.
7. Electrical machines.
8. Electrical Circuits and Fields.
9. Measurements, Instrumentation and Transducers.
10. Industrial Instrumentation.
11. Digital Electronics.
12. Communication Engineering
Mechanical Engineering 1. Heat-Transfer
2. Thermodynamics
3. Power Engineering
4. machinery
5. Engineering Materials
6. Engineering Mechanics
7. Mechanics of Materials
8. Vibrations
9. Machine Design
10. Theory of Machines
11. Fluid Mechanics
12. Machining and Machine Tool Operations
13. Operations Research
14. Computer Integrated Manufacturing
15. IC Engines
16. Refrigeration and air-conditioning
17. Production Planning and Control
18. Casting, Forming and Joining Processes
19. Metrology and Inspection
20. Inventory Control etc
Chemical Engineering 1. Thermodynamics
2. Biochemical Engineering
3. High Polymer Engineering
4. Biochemical Engineering
5. Environmental Engineering
6. Safety Engineering
7. Fluid Mechanics
8. Process Instrumentation
9. Material Science and Engineering
Mining 1. Blasting and Explosives
2. Diesel Exhaust
3. Education and Training
4. Electrical Safety
5. Emergency Communications and Tracking
6. Explosion Prevention
7. Exposure Monitoring of Dust and Toxic Substances
8. Fire Control and Suppression
9. Fire Detection
10. Geologic Characterization
11. Ground Control Overview
12. Ground Monitoring
13. Interface and Job Design
14. Manual Materials Handling
15. Programmable Electronic Systems
16. Proximity Detection
17. Rescue Technologies and Training
18. Respirable Dust
19. Respiratory Diseases
20. Rock Falls
21. Roof Support
22. Ventilation Overview

IREL Diploma Trainee Exam Pattern

Written Exam
  • The question paper booklet for the written test will be in bilingual form i.e., both Hindi & English. 
  • The examination will be conducted for 150 marks.
  • Each question carries 1 mark
  • No negative marking is applicable





Paper I

Subject Knowledge would consist of questions for testing basic knowledge of General Engineering.


2 Hours

The knowledge of specific disciplines. 

Paper II

General Knowledge, Numerical ability, Reasoning ability and General English




IREL Diploma Trainee How to Apply

1. Visit the Official Website of India Rare Earths Limited –
2. Click on Recruitment Tab Option.
3. On – going Vacancies for the Given Posts..
4. Click on Online Application.
5. Click on New User & Register Yourself.
6. Fill All the Required Details as per your Documents.
7. Then Proceed to Pay Application Fee.
8. Now Click on Final Submission.
9. Take a Print out of Application.

Application Fees :
1. Gen/ OBC/ EWS : 472/-
2. SC/ST/ PwD/ ESM : 0/-

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) IREL Diploma Trainee Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of IREL Diploma Trainee Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the IREL Diploma Trainee exam. The syllabus of IREL Diploma Trainee comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of IREL Diploma Trainee syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of IREL Diploma Trainee Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the IREL Diploma Trainee exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the IREL Diploma Trainee Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the IREL Diploma Trainee Exam?
A. To prepare for IREL Diploma Trainee exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download IREL Diploma Trainee Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download IREL Diploma Trainee exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

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