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IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics 2025 Exam

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About IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Exam

IIT JAM Mathematics 2023 Application Form exam can be filled 11th October 2022. Apply Online for This Exam and the Admit Card is Released soon. Eligibility Criteria for this exam is that the candidate must be a citizen of India. The candidate's age should be at least As per rules and above. Government Jobs Seekers, who Looking for Govt Jobs 2023 in India to get Latest Government Jobs Recruitment / Vacancies completely published in this portal.

IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Exam Date

Events Dates
Starting of online application form 7th September 2022
Last date of online application submission 11th October 2022
Commencement of correction October 2022
Admit card release January/ February 2023
IIT JAM 2023 exam date 12th February 2023
Release of Answer Key February/ March 2023
Announcement of result 22nd March 2023
Score Card April to July 2023
Submission of application for admission 11th April to 25th April 2023

IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Eligibility

Age Limit Criteria

There is no age limit criteria that a candidate needs to fulfill in order to appear for the IIT JAM 2022 exam.

Educational Qualification Criteria

The following are the complete Eligibility Criteria for IIT JAM admission to various PG programmes:

Test Paper Code 


Minimum Educational Qualifications

Mathematical Statistics (MS)

MSc Applied Statistics and Informatics

Mathematics or Statistics for at least two years/ four semesters

MSc- PhD Dual Degree in Operations Research

MSc Statistics

Statistics for at least two years/ four semesters

Joint MSc- PhD in Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences

Mathematics and Physics and any one of these subjects among Chemistry, Computer Science, Computer Application, Geology and Statistics

IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Admit Card

There is no option to receive the IIT JAM admit card by mail or email. Candidates who have successfully applied for the entrance exam will be able to access the admit card by following the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Candidates must go to the official JOAPS website.

Step 2: The login screen will appear on the screen.

Step 3: The candidate must enter their enrollment ID, email address, and password.

Step 4: Enter the value of the evaluated arithmetic expression in the login window.

Step 5: Click the "Submit" button.

Step 6: The admit card will be displayed on the screen.

Step 7: The candidate must print multiple copies of the admit card from this window for future reference.

Step 8: The candidate must double-check the information on the admit card in relation to the application form.

IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Syllabus

Subjects Syllabus
Sequences and Series of Real Numbers 1. convergence of sequences
2. Sequence of real numbers
3. bounded and monotone sequences
4. convergence criteria for sequences of real numbers
5. Cauchy sequences
6. subsequences
7. Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem
8. tests of convergence for series of positive terms – comparison test
9. ratio test
10. root test
11. Leibniz test for convergence of alternating series
12. Series of real numbers
13. absolute convergence
Functions of One Real Variable 1. Limit
2. continuity
3. differentiation
4. Taylor's theorem
5. maxima and minima
6. intermediate value property
7. Rolle’s Theorem
8. mean value theorem
9. L'Hospital rule
Functions of Two or Three Real Variables 1. Limit
2. partial derivatives
3. differentiability
4. maxima and minima
5. continuity
Integral Calculus 1. Integration as the inverse process of differentiation
2. fundamental theorem of calculus
3. Double and triple integrals
4. change of order of integration
5. calculating surface areas and volumes using double integrals
6. definite integrals and their properties
7. calculating volumes using triple integrals
Differential Equations 1. Ordinary differential equations of the first order of the form y'=f(x,y)
2. exact differential equations
3. integrating factor
4. orthogonal trajectories
5. homogeneous differential equations
6. linear differential equations of second order with constant coefficients
7. Method of variation of parameters
8. Cauchy-Euler equation
9. Bernoulli’s equation
10. variable separable equations
Vector Calculus 1. Scalar and vector fields
2. curl
3. line integrals
4. surface integrals
5. Green
6. gradient
7. divergence
8. Stokes and Gauss theorems
Group Theory 1. Groups
2. subgroups
3. non-Abelian groups
4. cyclic groups
5. permutation groups
6. normal subgroups
7. group homomorphisms and basic concepts of quotient groups
8. Abelian groups
9. Lagrange's Theorem for finite groups
Linear Algebra 1. Finite dimensional vector spaces, 
2. basis, 
3. dimension, 
4. linear transformations, 
5. matrix representation, 
6. range space, 
7. null space, 
8. Rank, 
9. and inverse of a matrix, 
10. determinant, 
11. solutions of systems of linear equations, 
12. eigenvalues and eigenvectors for matrices, 
13. Cayley-Hamilton theorem,  
14. linear independence of vectors, 
15. rank-nullity theorem, 
16. consistency conditions
Real Analysis 1. Interior points
2. open sets
3. closed sets
4. bounded sets
5. connected sets
6. compact sets
7. completeness of R. Power series (of a real variable)
8. radius and interval of convergence
9. term-wise differentiation and integration of power series
10. limit points
11. Taylor’s series

IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Exam Pattern

Section A :
Number of Questions – 30 questions having 10 questions of 1 mark each and 20 questions of two marks each. Each question will have four choices out of which only one choice will be a correct one.
Nature of Questions – Objective type (MCQs)
Exam Mode – Online (CBT)
Exam Medium – The question papers at all exam centers will be in English only. 
Marking Scheme – 1 or 2 mark questions
Negative Marking – For each wrong answer of 1 mark questions, 1/3 mark will be deducted and similarly for each wrong answer of 2 marks questions, 2/3 mark will be deducted.

Section B :
Number of Questions – 10 questions only.  
Nature of Questions – Multiple Select Questions (MCQs). Each MSQ type question is similar to MCQ but with a difference that there may be one or more than one choice(s) that are correct out of the four given choices.
Exam Mode – Online (CBT)
Exam Medium – The question papers at all exam centers will be in English only. 
Marking Scheme – The candidate gets full credit only if he/she selects all the correct answers only and no wrong answers. 
Negative Marking – There are no negative and no partial marking provisions.

Section C : 
Number of Questions – 20 questions involving 10 questions of one mark each and 10 questions of two marks each. 
Nature of Questions – Numerical Answer Type (NAT). For NAT type questions, the answer is a signed real number, which needs to be entered using the virtual numeric keypad on the monitor.
Exam Mode – Online (CBT)
Exam Medium – The question papers at all exam centers will be in English only. 
Marking Scheme – For correct answers candidates will get 2 marks. 
Negative Marking – There are no negative and no partial marking provisions.

Section No.of Question Marks Total Marks Negative Marking  Duration
Section A 10 MCQs 1 mark each 10 0.33 180 Minutes
  20 MCQs 2 mark each 40 0.66
Section B 10 MSQs 2 marks each 20 Not Applicable
Section C 10 NAT Questions 1 mark each 10 Not Applicable
  10 NAT Questions 2 marks each 20 Not Applicable
Total 60   100

IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics How to Apply

Aspirants can go through the steps they need to follow in order to successfully fill and submit the JAM application form as mentioned below:

Step 1: Register at JOAPS

First, candidates have to register themselves at the JAM Online Application Processing System (JOAPS) by filling and submitting details such as name, email address, mobile number, and password. Once candidates register for the exam successfully, they will be sent an email and SMS containing their enrollment ID. Candidates need to save the enrollment ID and thereafter proceed towards filling JAM 2023 application form.

Step 2: Fill Details in IIT JAM Application Form

Candidates need to log in to their accounts using their respective enrollment IDs and passwords. Thereafter, candidates have to start filling the information in their IIT JAM 2023 application form. Details that candidates have to fill in the application form are:

• Exam details: Here, candidates have to select one or two test papers for which they want to write the exam. However, in the case of two papers, candidates must ensure that both the exams are conducted in different sessions.

• Exam centre details: Here, candidates have to select cities where they want to take the test. They can select a maximum of three cities.

• Personal details: This section requires candidates to mention their name, date of birth, gender, category, parents’ names, etc.

• Correspondence address: Here, candidates need to mention the address where they would like to receive any future communication. The address should be mentioned with the pin code.

• Educational details: Here, candidates have to mention their educational qualification details such as the name of the qualifying degree, year of passing, college/ university name, marks obtained, etc.

• Photograph: Candidates have to upload (in JPEG format) their passport-size coloured photograph with a white/ very light colour background after August 1, 2022, in a professional studio. The file size should be between 5 KB and 200KB. Selfie or informal photographs with sunglasses, hats or caps will not be accepted.

• Signature: Candidates have to upload the digital image of their signature made on A4 white paper in a rectangular box with a black or dark blue ink pen. The file size should be between 5 KB and 100KB.

Once all details are filled in, candidates can submit the form and proceed to the next step of the application process.

Step 3: Pay IIT JAM Application Fee

After the form is submitted, a new window would open that would display the name and enrollment ID of the candidate. The window will also display the amount to be paid by the candidate as the application fee. After checking these details, candidates need to click on the 'Proceed to Payment' button.

Candidates can pay IIT JAM 2023 application fee in the online mode through internet banking/ debit card/ credit card.

After the payment is made, a dialogue box will appear to confirm that the application form has been received successfully. Candidates need to complete all the steps to successfully submit their IIT JAM 2023 application form.

Application Fee : 
  1. INR 900 (Female candidates applying for one paper)
  2. INR 1,250 (Female candidates applying for two papers)
  3. INR 1,800 (All other category candidates applying for one paper)
  4. INR 2,500 (All other category candidates applying for two papers)

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics exam. The syllabus of IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Exam?
A. To prepare for IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

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