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Territorial Army Officer 2025 Exam

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About Territorial Army Officer Exam

Territorial Army Officer Application Form 2023 has been released on October 23, 2023. The last date to apply is November 21, 2023. Apply Online for TAO. Territorial Army Officer Notification 2023 has been released on October 13, 2023. A total of 19 vacancies will be filled out with Territorial Army Recruitment 2023. Out of which 1 vacancy is reserved for women category.

Territorial Army Officer Exam Date

Check out all the important dates of the Territorial Army Recruitment 2023 are given below:

Events Dates
Release of official notification 13th October 2023
Starting date to Apply 23rd October 2023
Last date to Apply 21st November 2023
Last date to pay the application fee 21st November 2023
Release of Admit card Notified soon
Territorial Army Recruitment 2023 Exam date Notified soon
Territorial Army Recruitment 2023 Result date Notified soon
Territorial Army Recruitment 2023 Interview Date Notified soon
Official website

Territorial Army Officer Eligibility

The candidates are advised to check the Territorial Army Eligibility Criteria before applying for the recruitment process. Following are the eligibility criteria of the Territorial Army, in brief, the applying candidate must check the detailed one before submitting the forms.

Citizenship: The candidate should be a citizen of India.

Age Limit: The candidate should be of an age between 19 and 42 years, on the date of application.

Educational Qualification: The candidate should at least have done graduation or its equivalent.

Bodily Strength: The candidate should be both physically and mentally healthy.

Employment Status:

  • Self-employment, or
  • Gainful employment- The candidate should already have a full-time and reliable paid job, or
  • Mainstay civilian professions- This includes people involved in the necessary community work like Accountants, doctors, para-medical, etc.
  • Ex-servicemen- The Ex-service officers who qualify the age criteria and have desired physical/mental fitness are eligible to apply for the Territorial Army.

The people who are currently serving in the Regular Army, Navy force, Air Force, Police, GREF (General Reserve Engineer Force), Para Military and other such forces are not allowed to apply for TA.

Territorial Army Officer Vacancy

The Territorial Army 2023 Notification has been released for 19 vacancies for the officer posts. Check out the category Territorial Army vacancy in the table below.

Category Number of Vacancies
Male 18
Female 01
Total 19

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Territorial Army Officer Admit Card

The admit card for the Territorial Army can be downloaded from the official website. The admit card for the Territorial Army will be available about one to two weeks prior to the examination dates. The e-print out of the admit card must be carried by all candidates during the examination.

The admit card for the Territorial Army 2022 examination usually contains the candidate’s name, category, roll number, scanned photograph and signature, exam date and time, time of reporting, the centre of exam, and guidelines for the examination day.

How to Download the Territorial Army 2022 Admit Card?

The steps to download the Territorial Army 2022 Admit Card are:

  • Open the official website of the Territorial Army.
  • Click on the admit card option on the home page itself.
  • Login by providing your correct credentials.
  • A new window with an e-admit card opens up.
  • Candidates can download the e-admit card and take out the print.

Territorial Army Officer Salary

The Territorial Army salary structure, rank pay, entitlement to medals & honours, allowances, and various service benefits are provided as applicable in the case of the Regular Army. Territorial Army officers are also entitled to decoration after completing 20 years.

If aspirants do well and fulfil the required eligibility conditions, they can be then promoted to the military rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Officers commissioned in Infantry Territorial Army may be called to the military for a longer duration of time depending on the requirement.

  • Pension: Officers with 20 years & JCO (Junior Commissioned Officers) and other ranks with 15 years are given Pension.
  • Increment: The Increment is done each time after finishing 365 days of physical service.
  • Insurance Benefits: The benefits & incentives related to insurance are provided to personnel of non-departmental TA units.

The pay scale mentioned as per the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC):

Military Rank


Pay Matrix

Military Service Pay


Level 10

INR 56,100 - 1,77,500

INR 15,500


Level 10A

INR 61,300 - 1,93,900

INR 15,500


Level 11

INR 69,400 - 2,07,200

INR 15,500

Lt Colonel

Level 12A

INR 1,21,200 - 2,12,400

INR 15,500


Level 13

INR 1,30,600 - 2,15,900

INR 15,500


Level 13A

INR 1,39,600 - 2,17,600

INR 15,500

Territorial Army Officer Selection

The selection process for the Territorial Army Recruitment is different for Civilian officers and Ex-servicemen, given as follows:

Territorial Army Selection: For Civilians

The selection process for the Civilians for the Territorial Army Recruitment is as follows:

Stage 1: Written Examination and Interview (Screening)

The candidates need to qualify for the two written examinations, that is paper 1 and paper 2 with 40% in each section and total marks greater than 50%.

The candidates are then called for an interview by the preliminary interview board.

Stage 2: Service Selection Board (SSB) Examination

The candidate needs to qualify for various tests conducted by the Service Selection Board (SSB).

Stage 3: Medical Examination

The selected and qualifying candidates must be physically and mentally fit according to the military standards.

Territorial Army Selection: For Ex-servicemen

The selection process for the Ex-servicemen for the Territorial Army Recruitment is as follows:

Stage 1: Screening by Army Headquarters Selection Board

The candidates are screened by the Army Headquarters Selection Board at the additional directorate general Territorial Army.

Stage 2: Medical Examination

The selected and qualifying candidates must be physically and mentally fit according to the military standards.

Stage 3: Police Verification

Selected candidates undergo police verification which is the final step for the selection of ex-servicemen.

Territorial Army Officer Syllabus

The Territorial Army Officer written exam comprises two papers having four sections in total which are Logical Reasoning, Elementary Maths, General Knowledge, and English Language. The complete Territorial Army syllabus 2022 for each of these sections has been described below. Go through the topic-wise list for each subject and start your preparations from today.

Syllabus for Paper 1


Elementary Mathematics

Data Interpretation

Simple and Compound Interest

Verbal Classification

Profit and Loss

Number Series


Statement and Arguments

Ratio and Proportion

Alphanumeric Series


Blood Relations


Statement and Conclusion

Unitary Method

Analytical Reasoning


Logical Deductions

Time and Distance


Number System

Syllabus for Paper 2

English Language

General Knowledge

Active and Passive Voice

Current Affairs

Antonyms and Synonyms



Art and Culture

Fill in the blanks

Science & Technology

Sentence Completion

Constitution of India

Idioms & Phrases

Indian Politics

Error Spotting

Important Days and Dates

One-word substitutions

Static GK

Reading Comprehension


Sentence corrections

Famous Books & Authors

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Territorial Army Officer Exam Pattern

Territorial Army exam pattern will comprise 2 different papers for a total of 200 marks. Candidates who wish to acquire the Officer post have to crack both the papers simultaneously. Below is the detailed and updated Territorial Army 2022 exam pattern for your reference.


Total Number of Questions

Total Marks

Exam Duration

Paper 1

Logical Reasoning



2 Hours

Elementary Mathematics



Paper 2

General Knowledge



2 hours

English Language






4 Hours

Level of the Question paper: The mathematical questions that are asked in the paper will be matriculation level (i.e. 10th standard). And, the standard of the complexity of the other three sections (including Reasoning, General Knowledge & English) will be the graduation level.

Territorial Army Negative Marking: There is also negative marking for every wrong answer in the exam. And, for every right answer, one mark will be allotted to the candidate.

Qualifying Marks: The qualifying marks for the written exam is 40% in each part of the paper. And the overall marks should be at least 50%.

Territorial Army Officer Cut off

The cut off of the Territorial Army will be displayed on the official website of the Territorial Army. It slightly varies from year to year as the following factors are taken into consideration:

  1. The number of candidates appearing in the exam.
  2. The difficulty level of the exam conducted.
  3. Total vacancies for the particular year.

The total qualifying marks for Territorial Army 2022 is 50%. Candidates need to secure 40% in each section of paper 1 and paper 2. The expected cut-off is given below for Territorial Army 2022 examination:

Paper Number Qualifying Marks
Paper 1 40%
Paper 2 40%

Territorial Army Officer How to Apply

The Territorial Army Application Form is available at the official website of the Territorial Army. The form has to be filled within the mentioned deadline only. The candidates must check the eligibility conditions before applying for the same.

  • The application form for Territorial Army 2022 can be filled in online mode from the official website of the Territorial Army.
  • The candidates will have to first register themselves by visiting the career section and then clicking the ‘ join as officer’ option.
  • Candidates need to register by providing the correct information about their name, email ID, phone number, and password.
  • The candidate must then log in by using the registration number and password that was entered during the time of registration.
  • Registered candidates then need to fill the application form with the correct details such as date of birth, annual income, contact details, educational qualifications, etc.
  • The candidates must attach required documents like medical certificate, degree certificate, scanned photograph, scanned candidate signature, proof of residence like PAN card or Aadhaar card, etc.
  • After filling the main application form and uploading the relevant documents, the candidates need to submit the application fee to confirm the submission of the online application form.

Application Fee
  • The application fee has to be paid after the successful submission of the required documents for the application form.
  • The amount of application fee for the Territorial Army Recruitment 2022 is INR 200 only for all Indian citizens who are eligible for the examination.
  • The mode of application fee payment is prescribed on the official website of the Territorial Army.
  • No other means of fee payment will be accepted.
  • After the successful payment of the application fee, candidates will get a confirmation of the application form submission.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Territorial Army Officer Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of Territorial Army Officer Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the Territorial Army Officer exam. The syllabus of Territorial Army Officer comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of Territorial Army Officer syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of Territorial Army Officer Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the Territorial Army Officer exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the Territorial Army Officer Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the Territorial Army Officer Exam?
A. To prepare for Territorial Army Officer exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download Territorial Army Officer Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download Territorial Army Officer exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

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