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Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice 2025 Exam

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About Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice Exam

Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice 2023 Application Form can be filled soon till the notification is released. Apply online for this exam and admit card will be issued soon. The eligibility criteria for this exam is that the candidate must be a citizen of India. The age of the candidate should be minimum 21 years and maximum 30 years. Government job seekers who are looking for 2023 government jobs in India to get latest government jobs recruitment / vacancies are fully published on this portal.

Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice Exam Date

Events Dates
Starting Date Notified soon
Last Date for Apply Notified soon
Admit card date Notified soon
Exam date Notified soon
Result date Notified soon
Official Website

Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice Eligibility

Educational Qualification :

Apprentice (Non – ITI Category) : Passed Madhyamik (class X std or equivalent) as on the closing date of application with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and with 40% marks in Mathematics and Science each

Apprentice (ITI Category) : Passed relevant trade test from any institute recognized by NCVT or SCVT or any other authority specified through Gazette notification of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship/ Ministry of Labour and Employment with duration as per the Apprentice Act 1961 plus passed Madhyamik / Class X std or equivalent (Minimum 50% aggregate marks both in Matriculate and ITI). The candidate should possess the qualification as on the closing date of the application

Age Limit :

The age limit of the applicants should be in between 15 to 24 years as on the last date of submission of online application
Relaxation in the upper age limit is applicable as per govt rules

Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice Syllabus

English Syllabus
1. Vocabulary
2. Comprehension
3. Fill in the blanks
4.Error detection
5. One word Substitution
6. Transformation of sentences
7. Clone test
8. Tenses

Mathematics Syllabus
1. Mathematics
2. Decimals and Fractions
3. Computation of whole numbers
4. Fundamental Arithmetical Operations
5. Relationship between numbers
6. Ratio and Proportion
7. Percentages
8. Simple Interest
9. Profit & Loss
10. Discount
11. Average
12. Time & Work
13. Partnership
14. Use of Tables and Graphs
15. Time and Distance
16. Mensuration

Reasoning Syllabus
1. Coding & Decoding
2. Data Sufficiency
3. Analogy
4. Alphabet test
5. Logic
6. Puzzle test
7. Eligibility test
8. Classification
9. Theme Detection
10. Clocks & Calendars
11. Logical Venn Diagrams
12. Series Completion
13. Deriving Conclusions from Passages
14. Statement- Arguments
15. Logical sequence of words
16. Arithmetical reasoning
17. Statement- Conclusions
18. Situation Reaction test
19. Mathematical operations
20. Inserting the missing character
21. Alpha numeric sequence puzzle
22. Number, Ranking & time sequence

Numerical Ability Syllabus
1. Percentages
2. Averages
3. Simplification
4. Problem of ages
5. Profit and loss
6. Interest
7. Time & work
8. Time & distance
9. Pipes & cisterns
10. Data Interpretation
11. Boats & Streams

General Awareness Syllabus
1. Sports
2. Culture
3. History
4. Economic Scene
5. Geography
6. Indian Constitution
7. General Politics
8. Current Events- International & National
9. Scientific Research

Professional Knowledge Syllabus
1. Fitter
2. Machinist
3. Welder
4. Electrician
5. Turner
6. Electronic Mechanic
7. Mason
8. Mechanic Motor Vehicle
9. Computer(COPA)
10. Painter
11. Draftsman etc.

Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice Exam Pattern

The IOF Exam can be classified into 2 parts :

ITI Candidates
Non ITI Candidates

IOF Trade Apprentice Exam Pattern 2023 – ITI Candidates

The total duration of the IOF exam for ITI people is 3 hours.
The exam is of MCQ pattern
There will be no negative marking
Sr.No. Subject No.of Question Marks
1 English 10 10
2 General Knowledge 20 20
3 Mathematics 15 15
4 Aptitude/Reasoning 15 15
5 Technical Trade 90 90
  Total 150 150

Indian Ordnance Factory Trade Apprentice Exam Pattern for Non-ITI

For Non-ITI candidates, the IOF exam is of MCQ pattern
Duration for the Non-ITI IOF exam is also for 3 hours.
Sr.No. Subject No.of Question Marks
1 English 35 35
2 General Knowledge 35 35
3 Mathematics 40 40
4 Aptitude/Reasoning 40 40
  Total 150 150

Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice How to Apply

1. Log on to the OFB official portal i.e,
2. On the home page, find and click on the link “Advertisement for engagement of 56 th batch of Trade Apprentices”
3. Read the full information provided in the official OFB Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Notification
4. Check the eligibility criteria
5. If eligible, click on the “Apply Online” link
6. Fill all the details in the OFB Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Application form with all the details
7. Pay the fees
8. Verify all the details and submit the form
9. Finally, keep the hard copy of the application for future reference

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice exam. The syllabus of Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice Exam?
A. To prepare for Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download Indian Ordnance Factory Apprentice exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

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