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SBI PO 2025 Exam

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About SBI PO Exam

SBI PO 2023 Notification Out : Every year, SBI PO 2023 exam is conducted by the State Bank of India (SBI) to select eligible candidates for the Probationary Officers (PO) vacancies in different branches of the State Bank of India. SBI PO Recruitment 2023 Notification has been released on 6th September 2023 along with SBI PO Online Registration and Exam Dates. SBI PO is one of the most coveted jobs in the Banking industry and a dream job for millions of aspirants across India. SBI PO 2023 Apply Online process has started from 7th September 2023 onwards at

SBI PO Exam Date

State Bank of India (SBI) has announced the SBI PO Recruitment 2023 Online Registration & tentative Exam Dates along with the release of the SBI PO Notification. We have updated all important dates for the SBI PO 2023 Exam as announced through the SBI PO Notification here-

Events Dates
SBI PO Notification 2023 06th September 2023
Online Registration Starts From 07th September 2023
Last date for SBI PO Apply Online 03rd October 2023
Last Date to Pay Fee 03rd October 2023
Conduct of Pre- Examination Training To be notified
SBI PO Admit Card 2023 23rd October 2023
SBI PO Exam Date 2023 1st, 4th and 6th November 2023
SBI PO Mains Exam Date 2023 December 2023/ January 2024
Official website

SBI PO Eligibility

Any candidate applying for SBI PO 2022 must fulfill the eligibility criteria which includes fulfilment of the following as per the SBI PO Notification 2022 which is expected to release in September/October 2022:

  • Nationality
  • Age Limit
  • Educational Qualification

Age Limit

The minimum age limit for a candidate to apply for the SBI PO 2022 examination is 21 years old but not more than 30 years old at the time of registration. Besides this, there is age relaxation relevant to category-wise candidates as per the government norms for SBI PO 2022.

Category Age Relaxation
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 5 years
Other Backward Classes (OBC Non-Creamy Layer) 3 years
Persons with Disabilities (PWD) 10 years
Ex-Servicemen (Army personnel) 5 years
Persons with Domicile of Jammu Kashmir during 1-1-1980 to 31-12-1989 5 years


  1. The candidates must hold Indian Citizenship
  2. A Subject of Nepal or Bhutan
  3. A Tibetan Refugee who came to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanent settlement
  4. A Person of Indian Origin (PIO) who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam or East African countries of Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Ethiopia, Malawi, with the intention of permanent settlement in India

Note: Candidates belonging to the category 2, 3, 4 must have a certificate of eligibility issued by the Govt of India in their favour if willing to apply for SBI PO 2022.

SBI PO Vacancy

SBI PO 2023 Vacancy has been announced along with SBI PO Notification 2023. For FY 2023-24, the State Bank of India has announced a total vacancy of 2,000 posts of Probationary Officers. Let's have a look at the break-up of this year's SBI PO Vacancy.

Category Vacancy
SC 300
ST 150
OBC 540
EWS 200
GEN 810
Total 2000

SBI PO Vacancy (PwD Category)

Category Vacancy Backlog Total
LD 20 -- 20
VI 20 -- 20
HI 20 16 36
d & e 20 16 36

*VI: Vision Impairment

*HI: Hearing Impairment

*LD: Learning Disabilities

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SBI PO Admit Card

Candidates must download the SBI PO 2022 admit card from the official website of the bank as the hard copy of the SBI PO Admit Card will not be sent to the candidate via post. To login on to the official website, the candidates will require the following:

1. Registration No/Roll No

2. Date of Birth/ Password

The admit card or call letter for SBI PO 2022 will be issued in 3 phases:

• Online Preliminary Examination

• Online Mains Examination

• Group Exercise and Interview

SBI PO Salary

As per the notification, the starting basic pay of a Probationary Officer (PO) is Rs 41,960/- (with 4 advance increments) in the scale of 36000-1490/7-46430-1740/2-49910-1990/7-63840 applicable to Junior Management Grade Scale-I.

The official will also be eligible for D.A, H.R.A/ Lease rental, C.C.A, Medical and other allowances & perquisites as per rules in force from time to time. The total compensation per annum on CTC basis be a minimum of 8.20 lacs and maximum of 13.08 lacsdepending on place of posting and other factors.

SBI PO Selection

The SBI PO Selection Procedure involves three phases: || Prelims | Main | Interview ||
Each round holds equal importance and hence qualification in each round is important to enter into the next subsequent round until final selection.

Stage 1: Prelims

  1. The SBI PO Prelims Exam is the first basic round for the candidates to test their general aptitude.
  2. SBI PO Prelims Exam is an online objective test of 1 hour.
  3. The Exam consists of 3 sections- English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Quantitative Aptitude.
  4. There will be no sectional cut-off in the SBI PO Prelims Exam.
  5. However, there will be an overall cut offset by the bank as per the category of the candidates.
  6. Candidates numbering 10 times the number of vacancies (approx.) in each category will be shortlisted for Main Examination from the top of the above merit list.

Stage 2: Mains

  1. The candidates who clear the SBI PO Pre will be eligible to appear for the SBI PO Mains Exam.
  2. The SBI PO Mains Exam comprises of Objective Test and Descriptive Test.
  3. The SBI PO Mains Exam is of 4 sections (English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning & Computers, and General/Economy/Banking Awareness) which will be objective in nature.
  4. The descriptive test is of 50 marks and is conducted immediately after the objective test.
  5. Category wise merit list will be drawn based on the aggregate marks scored in the Main Examination.
  6. There will be no sectional cut-off.
  7. Candidates numbering up to 3 times (approx.) of the category wise vacancies will be shortlisted for the Group Exercise & Interview from the top of the category wise merit list subject to a candidate scoring the minimum aggregate qualifying score

Stage 3: Exercises & Interview

Psychometric Test- The Bank may conduct a Psychometric test for personality profiling, of those candidates who will be shortlisted for Phase III. Finding of the test may be placed before the Interview panel for having a thorough perspective on the candidates.

This is the last stage of the selection process. The candidates who have qualified for the SBI Mains Exam will be called to appear for the Interview and Group Exercise. This round holds the utmost importance in deciding the fate of the candidate concerning the final selection. The marks obtained in the SBI Mains and Interview are used for the final selection of the candidate as an SBI PO.

SBI PO Syllabus

Here the syllabus for the SBI Prelims and SBI Mains is given below. Every stage of the exam is a very important stage in the selection process. So without knowing the SBI PO syllabus and exam pattern, you cannot make your study plan properly. Given below is the syllabus for all the stages of the SBI PO Exam 2022.

Prelims Syllabus 2022

The SBI PO Prelims Syllabus comprises of three sections:

  • Logical Reasoning
  • English Language
  • Quantitative Aptitude

The syllabus for each of the sections is presented below.

Subject Topic
Logical Reasoning
  1. Alphanumeric Series
  2. Ranking/Direction/
  3. Alphabet Test
  4. Data Sufficiency
  5. Coded Inequalities
  6. Seating Arrangement
  7. Puzzle
  8. Tabulation
  9. Syllogism
  10. Blood Relations
  11. Input-Output
  12. Coding-Decoding
Quantitative Aptitude
  1. Simplification
  2. Profit & Loss
  3. Mixtures & Alligations
  4. Simple Interest & Compound
  5. Interest & Surds & Indices
  6. Work & Time
  7. Time & Distance
  8. Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
  9. Data Interpretation
  10. Ratio & Proportion, Percentage
  11. Number Systems
  12. Sequence & Series
  13. Permutation, Combination &
  14. Probability
English Language
  1. Reading and Comprehension
  2. Synonyms and Antonyms
  3. Idioms and Phrases
  4. Vocabulary Test
  5. Phrasal Verbs
  6. Fill in the qualifying words
  7. Cloze Test
  8. Para jumbles
  9. Error Spotting
  10. Fill in the blanks
  11. Miscellaneous

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SBI PO Exam Pattern

Prelims Exam Pattern 

Before the candidates appear for the SBI PO Examination 2022, it is essential for the candidates to know the SBI PO Exam Pattern and mark distribution for Prelims. Check the exam pattern below:

Sr.No Name of the Test Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 English Language 30 Total Maximum Marks 100  20 Minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 35 20 Minutes
3 Reasoning Ability 35 20 Minutes
Total - 100 60 Minutes

Note* -

  • The Prelims exam will be conducted for 60 minutes and the total marks will be 100 marks. 
  • Each correct answer will fetch you 1 mark and for every incorrect answer 1/4th of the assigned marks shall be deducted. 
  • There won’t be any sectional cut off marks.

Mains Exam Pattern 2023

SBI has made changes in the Mains Exam pattern this year by increasing the weightage for the General Awareness section. The Mains examination will have an objective type test and a descriptive test. The weightage for the mains exam sections are given below in the table. 

Sections  Questions Marks Duration
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 40 50 50 minutes
Data Analysis & Interpretation 30 50 45 minutes

General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness

50 60 45 minutes
English Language 35 40 40 minutes
Total 155 200 3 hours
Descriptive 2 50 30 minutes
Total 157 250 3 hrs 30 minutes

Note* -

  • The objective test in the Main examination will be conducted for 180 minutes and the total number of questions will be 155. 
  • The descriptive test in the SBI PO Mains Exam will be conducted for 50 marks and the duration will be 30 minutes.
  • For correct answers, there will be different sectional marking and for every incorrect answer 1/4th of the assigned marks will be deducted. 

SBI PO Cut off

The cutoff is an important criterion for the candidates to know their selection in the exam. It is a deciding factor to tell the candidates about their qualification status. After appearing for an exam, candidates note the minimum marks they need to qualify and as per the competition & number of candidates appearing in the exam, a range of marks is used that has to be attained by the candidates to decide their final qualification. Have a look at the previous year cut off to understand SBI PO 2022 Cut Off trend.

Prelims Cut off 2021 
Category Cut Off Marks
GEN 63
OBC 61.25
EWS 62.75
SC 54.75
ST 49.25

SBI PO How to Apply

SBI PO Application Form will be released online. The application fee for the exam is INR 750 for General/EWS/OBC categories and SC/ST/PWD categories are exempted from fee payment.

How to Apply Online for SBI PO?

The steps to fill SBI PO 2022 application form are given below:

  • Visit the official website of SBI
  • Click the Apply Online against the advertisement
  • Register for the exam by entering the required credentials
  • Upload the scanned images of photograph and signature
  • Fill the detailed application form
  • Upload handwritten declaration and left thumb impression
  • Pay the application fees
  • Submit the application form and take its printout

​Application Fee

The category-wise fee structure for SBI PO 2023 online application is given below. Fee/Intimation charges once paid will NOT be refunded on any account nor can they be held in reserve for any other examination or selection. The application fee for SC/ST/PWD category candidates is Nil and Rs. 750/ for General and other categories of candidates. The application fee must be paid online itself. To know more check the complete guide for the SBI PO Application.

Sr. No. Category Application Fee
2 General and Others Rs. 750/- (App. Fee including intimation charges)

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) SBI PO Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of SBI PO Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the SBI PO exam. The syllabus of SBI PO comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of SBI PO syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of SBI PO Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the SBI PO exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the SBI PO Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the SBI PO Exam?
A. To prepare for SBI PO exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download SBI PO Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download SBI PO exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

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