LIC ADO 2023: LIC ADO 2023 Exam is going to be conducted by LIC to recruit eligible candidates for the post of Apprentice Development Officer (ADO). LIC offers candidates an opportunity to join the Government Sector by clearing one of the most reputed Insurance Exams. The LIC ADO notification 2023 has been released by the Life Insurance Corporation of India for all 8 zones now. The complete details for the recruitment drive have been notified below in this article.
Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has released the complete schedule for LIC ADO Recruitment 2023 along with LIC ADO Notification 2023. The important dates for LIC ADO 2023 Exam have been updated here:
Events | Dates |
LIC ADO Notification 2023 | 20th January 2023 |
LIC ADO Apply Online 2023 | 21st January 2023 |
Closure of registration of application | 10th February 2023 |
LIC ADO Admit Card 2023 | 4th March 2023 |
LIC ADO Exam Date – Preliminary | 12th March 2023 |
LIC ADO Prelims Result 2023 | 10th April 2023 |
LIC ADO Mains Admit Card 2023 | 16th April 2023 |
LIC ADO Exam Date – Mains | 23rd April 2023 |
LIC ADO Mains Result 2023 | May 2023 |
Official website | |
There are three categories of candidates who are eligible to apply for the recruitment of LIC ADO:
Posts | Experience required |
LIC Employee | A minimum of 3 years of service in Grade III post |
LIC Agent | A minimum of 5 years of service as an agent or as a DSE/FSE, Not less than 4 years as an agent or as a DSE/FSE |
Others | Preference would be given to candidates having a minimum of 2 years of experience inthe LIC industry. |
The minimum age to qualify for the LIC ADO posts is 21 years. The age of general category candidates should not be more than 30 years. However, there is relaxation on maximum age for certain categories:
Category | Maximum Age |
SC/ST | 35 Years |
OBC | 33 Years |
LIC Employee who is not SC/ST/OBC | 42 Years |
LIC Employee who is a member of OBC | 45 years |
LIC Employee who is a member of SC/ST | 47 years |
LIC Agent or DSE/FSE who is not a member of SC/ST/OBC | 40 Years |
LIC Agent or DSE/FSE who is a member of OBC | 43 Years |
LIC Agent or DSE/FSE who is a member of SC/ST | 45 Years |
Ex-Servicemen |
For LIC ADO recruitment 2023, a total of 9294 vacancies are announced by the Life Insurance Corporation of India. As the recruitment Notification was released for different regions, the vacancies are different for different regions as well. The Zone wise LIC ADO vacancy 2023 is mentioned below:
Region Name | Vacancies |
Eastern Zonal Office (Kolkata) | 1049 |
Western Zonal Office (Mumbai) | 1942 |
Northern Zonal Office (New Delhi) | 1216 |
East Central Zonal Office (Patna) | 669 |
North Central Zonal Office (Kanpur) | 1033 |
Southern Zonal Office (Chennai) | 1516 |
South Central Zonal Office (Hyderabad) | 1408 |
Central Zonal Office (Bhopal) | 561 |
Total | 9394 |
LIC ADO admit card is one of the important documents that are mandatory to carry to the exam centre; failing to do so will result in a restriction to enter the hall. All the candidates who will apply for the exam can download their admit cards from the LIC official website.
LIC ADO admit card will be made available a few days before the Prelims and Mains Exam. Exact details of the exam centre, as well as the timings for the examination, will be mentioned on the admit card.
To download the admit card follow the given steps:
Step1: Go to the official website of LIC-
Step2: After opening the home page, click on the Careers page.
Step3: Click on the link Admit card download.
Step 4: Enter the registered ID and password provided during the application process.
Step 5: Click on the submit button
Step 6: Download the admit card PDF and take a printout of it.
As per the rules of the Corporation, an ADO is provided with a monthly stipend of Rs. 34,503 (including HRA + admissible allowances)
LIC ADO Salary after being appointed as a Probationary Officer is discussed below:
LIC ADO Salary | |
Basic pay (per month) | Payscale |
Rs. 21,865 | 21865-1340(2)-24545-1580(2)-27705-1610(17)-55075 |
The total salary is inclusive of House Rent Allowance City Compensatory Allowance will be approximately 37,345/- in A Class City.
Candidates are appointed for the post of Apprentice Development Officer through LIC ADO examination. LIC conducts the exam, and the selection process consists of three levels:
There are several subjects for each post. Here are the important topics of each subject of LIC ADO Syllabus 2022:
Subjects | Syllabus |
Reasoning Ability | Mathematical Reasoning, Linear and Circular Sitting Arrangements, Syllogism, Puzzles, Blood Relations, Alphabet Series, Coding-Decoding, Statements and Conclusions, Distance and Direction, Statements and Arguments, Clocks and Calendars, Number Series, Data Interpretation, Decision Making, Mirror Images |
Numerical Ability | Number System, Profit and Loss, Time and Distance, Simplification Approximation, Number Series, Inequality, Ratio Proportion, Pipe and Cistern, Partnership, Percentage, Mixtures Allegations, Average ages, Time and Work, Simple Interest Compound Interest, Boat stream, Permutation, Combination Probability, Mensuration, Data Interpretation (bar, line, pie, mixed, missing, arithmetic, caselet), Data Sufficiency. |
English Language | Singular-Plural, Fill in the Blanks, Antonyms and Synonyms, Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Sentence Errors, Phrases and Idioms, Vocabulary based questions, Subject-Verb Agreement, Sentence Improvement, Jumbled Paragraph, Word Usage, Passage Completion, Passage restatement, Passage inference, Passage fillers |
GK Current Affairs | Important Days, Books and Authors, History of India, Geography, Indian Economics, Indian Constitution, Countries, Capitals, and Currencies, National and International Organizations, Awards, Honors and Recognition, Science and Technology, Inventions and Discoveries, Financial Institutions National and International, Finance, Budget, and Five Year Plans, Current Affairs National and International, Indian Politics, etc. |
Insurance Marketing | Introduction of Insurance, History of Life Insurance, History of General Insurance, Know About IRDAI, Types of Insurance, Indian Insurance Market, ULIP (Unit Linked Insurance Plan, Public Sector Insurance Companies, Private Sector Insurance Companies, Glossary of Insurance Terms, Abbreviations related to Insurance Industry, Employment State Insurance Scheme (ESIS), Schemes Related to Insurance (PMFBY, PMJJBY, PMSBY etc.), Other Important Topics Related to Insurance Awareness, Insurance Current Affairs, Insurance Ombudsman, Bancassurance, Current insurance schemes. |
The exam pattern is different for Open market category candidates and LIC employees/ agents. The candidates who clear their Mains exams will be invited for an interview. The marks obtained in LIC ADO Mains Exam as well as in LIC ADO Interview will be considered for the final merit listing of candidates.
Exam Pattern for Open Market CategorySection | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration | Medium of exam | ||
Reasoning Ability | 35 MCQs | 35 | 20 minutes | English Hindi | ||
Numerical Ability | 35 MCQs | 35 | 20 minutes | English Hindi | ||
English | 30 MCQs | 30 | 20 minutes | English | ||
Total | 100 MCQs | 70 | 1 Hour | - |
Note: English Language section will be qualifying in nature and its marks will not be counted for the final ranking.
Section | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Medium | Duration | ||
Reasoning Ability Numerical Ability | 50 | 50 | English Hindi | 120 minutes | ||
GK, Current Affairs and English Language with Special Emphasis on Grammar and vocabulary | 50 | 50 | English Hindi | |||
Insurance and Financial Marketing Awareness with special emphasis on knowledge of Life Insurance and Financial Sector | 50 | 50 | English Hindi | |||
Total | 150 | 150 | - | 2 Hours |
The recruitment of LIC ADO 2022 from LIC Agents and LIC Employees will be done through a single-phase Mains Examination.
Agents Exam PatternSection | No of Questions | Maximum Marks | Medium of exam | Duration |
Reasoning Ability Numerical Ability | 25 | 10 | English Hindi | Composite 120 minutes |
General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language with Special Emphasis on Grammar and vocabulary | 25 | 15 | English Hindi | |
Elements of Insurance and Marketing of Insurance | 50 | 125 | English Hindi | |
Total | 100 | 150 | - | 2 Hours |
Section | No of Questions | Maximum Marks | Medium of exam | Duration |
Reasoning Ability Numerical Ability | 25 | 25 | English Hindi | Composite 120 minutes |
General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language with Special Emphasis on Grammar and vocabulary | 25 | 25 | English Hindi | |
Practice and Principle of Insurance Marketing | 50 | 100 | English Hindi | |
Total | 100 | 150 | - | 2 Hours |
Note: The maximum mark allotted to the LIC ADO Interview is 37 marks.
Preliminary Examination Expected Cut Off of 2022 are :-
Category | Reasoning Ability | Numerical Ability | English Language |
UR | 18 – 20 marks | 18 – 20 marks | 10 – 12 marks |
OBC | 18 – 20 marks | 18 – 20 marks | 10 – 12 marks |
SC | 16 – 18 marks | 16 – 18 marks | 09 – 11 marks |
ST | 16 – 18 marks | 16 – 18 marks | 09 – 11 marks |
EWS | 18 – 20 marks | 18 – 20 marks | 10 – 12 marks |
After ensuring eligibility, the candidates should keep referring to the official website to know about the application form release. The application process is completely online. Follow the steps to apply:
Step1: Visit the official website of LIC ADO.
Step 2: Go to the careers column of LIC ADO.
Step 3: Click on the link to apply online for LIC ADO.
Step 4: Complete LIC ADO online registration by providing your basic details such as name, contact number, email id, address etc. and click on the save and next button.
Step 5: Upload the photograph signature image within the mentioned dimension.
Dimension | 4.5 cm X 3.5 cm |
Size of Photographs | 20 KB to 50 KB |
Size of Signature | 10 KB to 20 KB |
Note: The photograph must be of passport size with white background. Both the photograph and the signature must be clear and legible. Don't sign in capital letters as it will be rejected after verifying.
Step 6: In the next step, provide your academic details and professional qualification.
Step 7: Submit the application fee.
Step 8: Print the application receipt and keep it safe for future references.
Step 9: After successful LIC ADO application fee payment online application process will be completed. You will be sent an email with your registration ID and password for re-logins.
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