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Bank of Baroda AO 2025 Exam

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About Bank of Baroda AO Exam

Bank of Baroda AO Recruitment 2023 : Bank of Baroda has released a notification regarding the recruitment of Acquisition Officers (AO) in Wealth Management Services Department of Bank of Baroda on contract basis. BOB has announced 500 vacancies for Acquisition Officer (AO) posts through Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023. The online registration window for Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023 is active from 22 February to 14 March 2023 .

Bank of Baroda AO Exam Date

The official notification for the Bank of Baroda AO vacancy has been released on 22nd February 2023 along with other important dates. The complete schedule for Bank of Baroda AO Recruitment 2023 has been tabulated below.
Events  Dates
BOB AO Notification PDF Release Date  22nd February 2023
BOB AO Online Registration 22nd February 2023
Last Date to Register  14th March 2023
Last Date to pay application fee  14th March 2023
Online Test  Notified soon
Interview  Notified soon
Official website

Bank of Baroda AO Eligibility

Eligibility Criteria are an important factor that a candidate should fulfill before registering for the Bank Of Baroda Recruitment. Candidates can check the Educational Qualification, and age limit for Acquisition Officers as discussed below.  

Educational Qualification-
Candidates can check the complete education qualification for the Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023 in the given below table.  
Post  Educational Qualification
Acquisition Officer  Mandatory:
A Degree (Graduation) in any discipline from a University recognized by the Govt. Of India./Govt. bodies/AICTE

Post-Qualification Experience:

Candidates having preferably 1 year of experience with Public Banks / Private Banks / Foreign Banks / Broking Firms / Security Firms / Asset Management Companies.
Proficiency/knowledge of local language/area/market/clients are desirable.

Age Limit -
Minimum Age – 21 Years
Maximum Age – 28 Years

Bank of Baroda AO Vacancy

The vacancies for the Bank Of Baroda Recruitment 2023 have been announced along with the detailed Notification. There are a total of 500 vacancies for the post.
Category No. of Vacancies
UR  203
SC  75
ST  37
OBC  135
EWS  50
Total  500

Bank of Baroda AO Selection

The candidates have to appear in three stages to get shortlisted for the posts of Acquisition Officers (AO) in Bank of Baroda, which are as follows-

Stage 1- Online test
Stage 2- Psychometric test or any other test
Stage 3- Group Discussion and/or Interview

Bank of Baroda AO Syllabus

1. Logical Reasoning
2. Alphanumeric Series
3. Alphabet Test
4. Coded Inequalities
5. Data Sufficiency
6. Seating Arrangement
7. Puzzle
8. Order & Ranking
9. Tabulation
10. Statements (Assumption, Argument, Conclusion)
11. Mixed Series
12. Syllogism
13. Distance & Directions questions
14. Blood Relations
15. Coding Decoding
16. Input-Output
17. Verbal Reasoning
18. Non-Verbal Reasoning
English Language
1. Reading Comprehension
2. Para Jumbles
3. Fill in the blanks
4. Paragraph Completion
5. Para Fillers
6. Cloze Test
7. Multiple Meaning/Error
8. Synonyms and Antonyms
9. Tense
10. Active & passive
11. Substitution
12. Adjectives
13. Idioms & Phrases
14. Preposition
15. Articles
16. Miscellaneous (Parts of Speech, Gerund, etc)
General knowledge
1. GK & Current Affairs
2. Indian Polity and governance
3. Science and Technology
4. Scientific and general abbreviations
5. General Science
6. Art & Cultural Heritage
7. Inventions and discoveries
8. Important days
9. Awards and Honors
10. Sports Awards
11. Banking Awareness (Banking Terminologies, Banking Ombudsman, Banking Regulation Act 1949, RBI Acts, Money Laundering Act Prevention, 2002, Money market instruments, DIgital Banking, etc)
12. Books and authors
13. India and world
14. Geography
15. Indian Constitution
16. Union Budget
17. International issues
18. Countries, Capitals and currencies
19. National and international events
20. Financial Awareness
21. Static Awareness
22. Basic Economy
Quantitative Aptitude
1. Number System
2. Time and Work
3. Percentage
4. Simple & Compound Interest
5. Simplification/
6. Approximation
7. Profit and Loss
8. Average
9. Data Sufficiency
10. Problems on Ages
11. Data Interpretation
12. Decimal Fractions
13. Age Problems
14. HCF and LCM
15. Statistics
16. Mensuration
17. Geometry
18. Ratio to Percentage
19. Pipe and Cistern Problems
20. Time and Distance
21. Ratio and Proportion
22. Compound Interest
23. Partnership

Bank of Baroda AO Exam Pattern

Sr. No. Subject  No. of Questions Marks Duration 
1 Reasoning  30 30 90 Minute
2 English Language 20 20
3 Quantitative Aptitude 30 30
4 General Knowledge 20 20
  Total  100 100
Negative Marking  0.25 Marks

Bank of Baroda AO How to Apply

Studens can easily apply BOB AO by following below steps-

Step 1. Visit the official website of BOB or click on the direct link given above
Step 2.Fill in your general information and credentials
Step 3.Review your information and make changes if required before finally submitting it
Step 4.After clicking on the submit button a new window will pop up in which you have to pay an application fee for Bank of Baroda AO Recruitment 2023
Step 5.After paying the application fee your application form will be successfully submitted
Step 6.Candidates will receive a confirmation mail or message on their registered mobile number.

Application Fees-
Here, we have provided the category-wise application fees for Bank Of Baroda Recruitment 2023 for the Acquisition Officers post.
Category  Application Fee
SC/ST/PWD/Women Rs.100/- plus applicable taxes & payment gateway charges
General/EWS/OBC  Rs.600/- plus applicable taxes & payment gateway charges

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Bank of Baroda AO Exam

Q. What is the Syllabus of Bank of Baroda AO Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest syllabus of the Bank of Baroda AO exam. The syllabus of Bank of Baroda AO comprises the topics and sub-topics under sections, Knowledge of Bank of Baroda AO syllabus helps candidates to focus on their preparation and important areas of each subject.
Q. What is pattern of Bank of Baroda AO Exam?
A. In this article Page, we have provided the latest exam pattern of the Bank of Baroda AO exam . The pattern of comprises the subject wise pattern and no. of questions will come in exam, go to our article section of exam pattern for more details.
Q. Which is the best Mock test series for the Bank of Baroda AO Exam?
A. At Studyclap, candidates can practice a complete set of Mock Test Series, along with a free mock test designed by our well qualified and expert faculty Team.
Q. How to prepare for the Bank of Baroda AO Exam?
A. To prepare for Bank of Baroda AO exam, candidates should go through the exam syllabus and exam pattern, solve mock tests, practice previous years' question papers. Try to clear the concepts of each and every topic rather than cramming. Set a time to go over the chapters, Differentiate weak areas and work to improve them. Solve puzzles to improve logical skill.
Q. How to Download Bank of Baroda AO Exam Syllabus PDF?
A. Candidates can download Bank of Baroda AO exam syllabus PDF from our website for free. Candidates need to only register with us to download the exam syllabus.

Reviews Bank of Baroda AO