Tuli College of Hotel Management, Nagpur
Nagpur, Maharashtra | 9.0/10
ESTB: 1999 | Private, AICTE, UGC,
FAQs on Tuli College of Hotel Management
Q: When was Tuli College of Hotel Management established?
A: Tuli College of Hotel Management was established in the year 1999.
Q: Are the admissions open for programs in Tuli College of Hotel Management?
A: Yes, the admissions are on for the session 2024-25 for now. You can enquire for programs listed on this page.
Q: What is the Fee structure of Tuli College of Hotel Management?
A: Tuli College of Hotel Management has 5 programs having a minimum fee of Rs.228,000 for Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology and the maximum fee of Rs.228,000 for Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology.
Q: Does Tuli College of Hotel Management offer any scholarship to eligible students?
A: As per our records, Tuli College of Hotel Management can offer scholarships for the session 2024-25 for various programs. However, you should enquire about scholarships from the college officials. Remember the minimum fee for the program at this institute is Rs.228,000.
Q: What is the user feedback rating of Tuli College of Hotel Management?
A: The user feedback rating on StudyClap.com for Tuli College of Hotel Management is 9.0/10.
Q: How many programs are offered in Tuli College of Hotel Management?
A: 5 courses are offered in Tuli College of Hotel Management.
Q: Where is Tuli College of Hotel Management located?
A: Tuli College of Hotel Management is located at Tuli Edu City, Bokhara Road, Near Koradi Check Post, Maharashtra.
Q: Tell us more about the infrastructure of the Tuli College of Hotel Management?
A: The institute has the following in the campus: Library, Hostel, Sports Complex, Auditorium, Labs.