Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon
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Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon

Gurgaon, Haryana | 7.6/10
ESTB: 2003 | Government, AICTE, UGC, NAAC Affiliated: MDU

About Institute

Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon Highlights

Also Known AsGCS9
Year Of Established2003
Recognised byYes
Gender intakeboth
Study ModeFull Time
NAACGrade 'B'

Apply for Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon

Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon Courses & Fee-Structure

Degree No. of Courses Fees Seats Exams
B.A. 4 14.52 K - 15.84 K 50 HBSE 12th, CBSE 12th
B.Com 2 11.21 K - 11.68 K 80 HBSE 12th, CBSE 12th
B.Sc. 1 14.52 K 80 HBSE 12th, CBSE 12th
BBA 1 16.44 K 60 HBSE 12th, CBSE 12th
BCA 1 18.24 K 120 HBSE 12th, CBSE 12th
M.A. 1 - 50 -
M.Com 1 - 50 -
M.Sc. 1 - 40 -
MCA 1 - 60 -
PG Diploma 1 4.64 K 40 -

GCS9 Gurgaon College Contact Details

Phone: 01242308688

Official website :

GCS9 (Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon) Address

Basai Rd, Bhawani Enclave, Sector 9, Gurgaon, Haryana

View on Map

Facilities/Infrastructure of Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon

Facility Description
Library Institute has 1 well equipped library with 14359 books 12 Journals
Sports Complex
Wi-Fi Campus
Labs Institute provides 8 labs facilities for the students

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FAQs on Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon

Q: When was Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon established?

A: Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon was established in the year 2003.

Q: Are the admissions open for programs in Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon?

A: Yes, the admissions are on for the session 2024-25 for now. You can enquire for programs listed on this page.

Q: What is the Fee structure of Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon?

A: Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon has 14 programs having a minimum fee of Rs.840 for M.Sc. in Mathematics and the maximum fee of Rs.18,240 for Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA).

Q: Does Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon offer any scholarship to eligible students?

A: As per our records, Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon can offer scholarships for the session 2024-25 for various programs. However, you should enquire about scholarships from the college officials. Remember the minimum fee for the program at this institute is Rs.840.

Q: What is the user feedback rating of Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon?

A: The user feedback rating on for Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon is 7.6/10.

Q: How many programs are offered in Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon?

A: 14 courses are offered in Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon.

Q: Where is Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon located?

A: Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon is located at Basai Rd, Bhawani Enclave, Sector 9, Haryana.

Q: Tell us more about the infrastructure of the Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon?

A: The institute has the following in the campus: Library, Cafeteria, Sports Complex, Gym, Wi-Fi Campus, Labs.

Comments on Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon
Total 4 User Comments are available on "Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon".
Posted By: Shristi Chettri 2022-06-24 11:23:55

How can I get admission in GC college for BTTM course?Is there is hostel in this college.

Posted By: Shristi Chettri 2022-06-24 11:25:04

I want to study in this college for BTTM course .What was the process to join in this college.

Reply By: Anmol 2022-07-27 09:23:39

i want to study this collage for BCA course.what was the process to join in this collage.

Reply By: Khushi Bhardwaj 2022-08-28 10:03:08

I want ro study in this collage for BCA course . What was the process to join in this collage.

Reply By: Khushi Bhardwaj 2022-08-28 10:03:51

i want to study this collage for BCA course.what was the process to join in this collage.

Posted By: Anshika 2023-05-27 10:52:01

I want to study this college for bsc course what was the process to join this college

Reply By: Deepa 2023-06-09 08:54:33

Last date of online distance addmission?I want to know that is there distance addmission available?and also give me a short information about the BA fee structure

Posted By: Kadam Sharma 2023-06-28 10:48:20

I can do ba in psychology from distance learning and if yes then what is the last date to apply for admission.

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Government College Sector-9, Gurgaon, Gurgaon

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